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Song for this chapter- Staccato by Tory Lanez

Song for this chapter- Staccato by Tory Lanez

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"Dude, your aunt is like so cool."
I say between bites of my burger.
"I know, that's not even the craziest thing she's done. One time she stole my Uncle Evan's motorcycle and rode it through my grandparents house, over my grandpa on his wheelchair and into a nearby river."

"No way! What happened after that?"
I ask, genuinely curious.

"We all thought she died, so my uncle Evan's called dibs on her own motorcycle. Then she came out of the water and started chasing him with a bat."
He take one of my fries and pops it in his mouth.

"She's officially my role model."
We laugh about that for a while. I reach
forward to take one of his fries, but not before he slaps my hands away.

"Hey do not touch."
He says shielding his fries with his muscular arms.
"That's not fair, you took mine."
I reach forward and he slaps my hand away again.

I raise my hands in mock surrender as I lean back in my seat, giving up.

Or so he thinks.

Because, once he take away his arms, I immediately bolt off my seat and grab a handful of his fries.

He yells, and literally everyone in the restaurant turns to look at us.

I apologise to no one in particular as everyone has already turned back to their food.
I sigh, and turn back to my food only to be hit in the face by a bunch of fries.

"What the fuck?"
I look up at the smirking idiot seated in front of me.
"Next time, you don't steal my food. One thing you should know about me is that I don't mess around with my food."

I scoff, picking up my milkshake.
"Dude you literally just threw your fries at me."

"Nope, that was yours."
He says, and truly, when I look down at my fries, I realise that they have severely depleted.

"I'm so gonna get you for that."
I pop the leftover fries in my mouth and finish off my burger while the idiot just sit there laughing. I am totally unaffected until I hear him say,
"Ah, I doubt it."

Oh he did not just say that.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."
He leans forward, a stupid smirk forming on his face.

"You can't touch me."
He says, leaning closer with each word and tapping my nose with his finger at the end of his sentence. Then he goes back to eating his burger.

"One thing I'll let you know about me-"
I lean closer to him, my milkshake in my hand.
"-is that I always get my revenge."
I tip my cup over, emptying its contents onto Logan's shirt and pants.

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