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Song for this chapter- Dead Right Now by Lil Nas X

Song for this chapter- Dead Right Now by Lil Nas X

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"Hold the red. Try white. No not that white, the other white! Yeah, that's terrible, I asked for pepper red, not that piece of dechets!!!"
Jacqueline rambles on, throwing some fabrics on the ground and at the faces of her poor assistant.

Funny thing is, no one would be able to tell if the shirt is pepper red or not while I'm on the stage, due to the coloured lighting.

And besides, who would want to be scrutinizing the colours of my outfit when they could be grooving to the music I bring, because I mean, ain't nobody better.

But apparently, the colours matter so much as tonight is Range's first concert in New York. Earl ensured that all of Range's artistes arrived New York last night.

"This one makes his skin tone look funny. That colour resembles puke. That one look like your face, are you even thinking straight bringing that out?!"
Some more people dash into the room, carrying different fabrics, suits, jeans and every other clothing you could possibly imagine, while I fantasize about laying on my bed with the music on, and a certain girl with the most mesmerizing brown eyes in the world curled up against me, preferably naked.

Okay now, I'm definitely crazy. I think I'll just sleep and ask to be woken up when they finally decide on what I was going to wear.

Jacqueline finally decides on a slick red suit jacket paired with black slacks and a black turtleneck shirt. I look over at a nearby clock.

I guess I better start prepping my vocals.


I emerge from makeup 30 minutes before the start of the event which is taking place at an open concert ground with a wide and well-lit stage. The place is already brimming with people.

"Good evening, New York City!!!"
I hear the MC's voice boom through the speakers out there and the pre-stage jitters kick in. I turn to walk to my dressing room and probably take a shot of Tequila when my sight catches something.

Earl talking to someone.

Sorry, I meant, Earl yelling at someone.
"...what you want is secondary to what the people want. So sort out you issues and get your head in the game, Kharise."
And then he storms off.

Kharise clenches her fist, breathing deeply and trying to calm herself down.
She turns, about to go into her dressing room when she sees me.

Her gaze locks on mine and I swear forget everything else. Considering the fact that we haven't spoken in almost a week, seeing her is like a breath of fresh air.

The sight of her is always breathtaking, and this time is no different with her hair been done in such a way that it no longer obscures her face and the tiny crystals placed in such a manner that it looks like it rained diamonds on her hair while it billows down to her lower back in luscious waves.

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