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Song for this chapter -Isis by Joyner Lucas ft Logic



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"What is wrong with you, Kharise? Why can't you just be sane? Why can't you be like Xavier or Xander? "

I take a step closer to my dad, my heart racing and my eyes full of anger and frustration and pain.

A lot of pain.

"Because, I am neither Xavier nor Xander! I am Kharise! That's who I am dad, so just fucking accept it and stop trying to change me!"

I yell, then back away from him and run up the stairs to my room.

Welcome, one and all to the Grey household father-daughter daily screaming match.

This time, I went to the movies with Layla and Aidan, and today being a Sunday, my schedule places me on study from 5pm to 7pm.

Unless I wanted to combust and die of boredom, I had to get out of the house. I had Aidan drive his car to a nearby grocery store where Layla and I decided to meet up with him.

Since my dad was in his study and my mom was out shopping, sneaking out wasn't that hard.

However, it's sneaking back in that was the major issue. I would have climbed into my room through my window with the aid of the tall apple tree next to it.
But I am deathly afraid of heights.

By deathly afraid, I mean super fucking deathly afraid.

So I decided to use the back door. But as usual, luck is never on my side and I run right into the very person I was trying to escape, who seems on his way out.

Guess I could have just used the front door.

And that, folks, is how my day ended. With a screaming match with my dad.

Just perfect.

I plop down on the bed, stretching out my arms and trying not to cry. My eyes drift to the artwork on my ceiling, examining the swirls and curves of my name, calligraphed in a mixture of my favorite colours, purples, blues and silver.

Done by my uncle Jonas.

He was an artist.
He was the only person who truly understood my passion for music.

I vividly recall the time he painted my name on my white ceiling.
That day, like this one, sucked like hell.
"You gotta be kidding me. "
I groaned, after my dad decides to ground me for a month just because I stayed out past curfew.

I stomped to my bedroom, collapsing on my bed. The cool wind blew through my window, lightly rustling the leaves of the apple tree right outside.

The house was silent.

That's how it always is after my dad and I are done yelling at each other.

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