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Song for this chapter- Void by Lil Nas X



Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


"What the actual fuck, man?"
I clench my fists, trying to restrain myself from hitting something.

"Well apparently, Michael and Kendra wrote a song that caused Range's profit base to skyrocket to nearly 400 million dollars in a week and knock your last song 'Self Love' off the top of the charts. It's simply-"

"That was my song, Earl! They stole it from me!"
I yell, cutting Earl's crap story short. The anger I've been trying to contain since I stepped into this room simmers to the top and is threatening to break through.

"And who do you think will believe that Kendra, adorable angelic Kendra, stole a song from her -well - ex-boyfriend?"
Earl asks calmly settling in his king-like chair and propping his feet up on the table.

"I d- well it's obvious that Michelle is singing my song, I mean anyone would know my lyrics when they hear it-"

"Clearly not your adoring fans."
Earl cuts me short with that statement. And a stupid smirk. And sadly, he is right.
No one would believe me if I said that Kendra stole my song.

"Look, I signed you because you are literally one of the most creative people I've ever met. Now, whether that's your song or not, it doesn't matter right now. If you chase that song, you'll look like a guy pining after the girlfriend that he lost to Mike."

He gets off his seat and walks over to my side of the table.
"What matters now is what you're gonna do about it. This label doesn't produce whiners, it produces winners. It's up to you to decide where you fall under."

He walks towards his wine cabinet while I cradle my head in my hands.

I could really use some scotch right now. And maybe a brain transplant because I think the one in my head is broken from how much it hurts.

That son of a bitch stole my music.
The nerve.

How he got Kendra to sing it with him is beyond me though.

He probably threatened her.
Because I refuse to believe that Kendra was cheating on me.
Unlikely, seeing how there was more kissing than music in that booth.

Well, she probably did it just to get back at me for ditching her for school on Friday.

No, it runs deeper than that. What you heard didn't seem like a trial. It seemed like something they had been working on for a while.

That's ridiculous. Kendra couldn't possibly be cheating on me and using me to get the very song that she told me to discard just so she could sing it with Michael and move from number 2 to number 1 on the world chart.

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