The devil

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Antonio Giovanni
I heard Gray was around and that her business wasn't going so good. I thought it would be a good thing to go and visit her maybe scare her and her pets. We arrived to her nightclub it was Don Hills. I walked in and started shooting and we got what we wanted their attention. Everyone started screaming and running. I looked at the glass and smiled because I knew she was up there. My guys waited down their while Alex, John, Booker and I we walked to the stairs and the bartender got in our way and whoever gets in our way get hurt so I shot him in the leg he fell to the floor and we walked up passed him.

Blair Gray
I looked down to see the devil in my club after what he's done he shouldn't even be showing his face anywhere near my business. I was fucking pissed he shot my fucking bartender fuck. I stood next to the glass wall looking down at my club and it was a mess. He walked in and men stood up ready to shoot.

Antonio Giovanni
I walked in and saw her standing there with a drink in her hand she looked mad real pissed but that didn't matter to me. She went straight to the point why are you here and what do you want. I was mad so no hello's and she looked at me and said not for you what a bitch I took the gun and pointed it to her head her men all went for their guns and put then up on my guys and I.

Blair Gray
We stood there for about a good 2 minutes he had the gun on my head but that didn't scare me at all. I looked at him I was fucking pissed I said and what was your point with this game he looked at me and laughed.

Antonio Giovanni
I was laughing because she got me there who does she think she is talking to me like that. I stopped laughing and looked straight into her eyes and said that Im here making sure you show up at my ball next week and she looked at me with a serious face like she wanted to kill me but doesn't know that Im untouchable.

Blair Gray
Is he serious after killing my family he expects me to go to his stupid ball. No Im not going to be joining you guys that day but my men will I don't sit down with people like you that can kill and no be phased.

Antonio Giovanni
I was fuming how dare she talk to me like that who the fuck does she think she is. I can kill her right here right now and her man right after her but I'm not gonna I'm gonna play this game and I'm not sure how it's properly played. You are going to come because nobody ever rejects my invitation and especially when it was hand delivered.

Blair Gray
well I guess I'll be the first to reject it. I am not going to be coming and that is final. I have a lot of work to do I don't have time to sit around like the rest of you now get the fuck out of my club.

Antonio Giovanni
I go closer to her after she finishes yelling at me Blair Blair (tsk,tsk,tsk) nobody and I mean nobody ever raises their voice at me and you won't be the first. If you don't show up to the ball be ready for war.

Blair Gray
Antonio we already are in war your just to blind to see it. There was war the day you decided to come into our lives and I smiled at him and he looked worried for a second like I got him but then he smiled and put the gun behind his back and started to caress my face I moved aways and he chuckled.

Antonio Giovanni
I let Her think that she got me but then I smiled and I put my gun behind my back. Lets go as soon as I turned my head she took the gun from behind me and shot Alex in the leg.

Blair Gray
I took the gun from him and as soon as he turned around too look at me I shot Alex in the leg. Everyone looks shocked like they didn't expect that I looked into his eyes and nobody ever shoots my men and gets away with it. He looks at me with disgust as Alex leans on the door.

Antonio Giovanni
I was furious beyond pissed but I wanted to grab her and fuck up there claim her it takes guts to shoot one of mine and especially Alex my brother my right hand man. I look at her and she looks proud and I look back at Alex he is leaning towards the door not showing how much pain he's in and I look back to the bitch that just shot my brother with my gun and I tell her paybacks a bitch and turn around to walk out and she yells after me.

Blair Gray
I yell after him yeaa I bet it is.

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