Dinner with the Luciano's

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Zavier Luciano
I decided she's going to have dinner with us today. It was around 6 and I just got home and hoped in the shower and go ready for dinner. I went to her room she looks tired and emotionless. I helped her put on her clothes and I opened the chains. You're going to have dinner with us tonight. We are going downstairs if you try to run or ask for help I will kill everyone you love and make you watch. "Someone already best you to that your late." Fucking hell this girl can talk. Shut up and walk I pushed her forward and she started walking.

Blair Gray
He came into the room and dressed me up and opened the chain's. " You're going to have dinner with us tonight." All I could think about was Damian and Ezra I didn't care about anything else. I walked out of the room 3 guards infront of my room. Is he that scared of a Skinny small girl?  Three guards are you kidding me. I mean I could take them all here at once but Luciano is a different story yes I have been training myself ever since i was a locked up in that room but Zavier has been training more then me. Ughhhh Kill me already. He warned me not to run or ask for help but was I gonna listen no of course not. We walked down the stairs what felt like forever I counted 3 floors so we were on the top floor. I am looking around and trying to make a map in my head just so I know how I can escape and where from. We walked into the dining room and there they were the famous Luciano siblings. I kept my head down and sat down wherever he told me too. When I looked up the girl it was the girl I saved from the club. I had a Luciano in my hands and I didn't know. I feel so fucking stupid now. I hope she doesn't recognize me or else his dick of a brother will throw a fit or maybe kill me. I helped her yes but I took her home and kept her there for a little. Fuck me she was looking at me straight in the eyes. I looked at her with my don't tell him anything eyes as she was about to speak she saw me and went quiet. We had dinner and the brothers talked about business in Italian. I understand Italian a little to a point were I can have a full conversation with somebody but I never thought it was beautiful but the way Zavier was speaking it made me rethink that. I hate him for everything but his Italian is so fucking sexy. We continued eating and She spoke up the girl from the club spoke up. "What's your name?" She asked me for my name what I'm confused. I looked at Zavier and looked back at her My name is Blair Blair Gray. She looked at me with a smile and she said Blair thank you. I assumed she was thanking me for the other night so i gave her a little smile. Zavier asked why shes thanking me she said " Because she told me her name and she doesn't act like I am invisible." Wow girl okk you tell him. He gave her stare that could kill. "Watch your attitude." "Or else?" She's really testing him

Zara Luciano
Or else? Yes I was being a bitch but he deserved it. Why was she even here Blair Gray the girl that saved me. "I don't know why your acting like this but it has to stop it's annoying" I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. You wanna know what's annoying? You and your fucking brother. They way you act like you care, They way you act like my fucking father. News flash he dead and he was a fucking awful father. That's what's annoying. He looked furious like he was going to kill me. He stood up and started yelling back at me.

Zavier Luciano
Lower your voice and don't ever fucking yell at me like that ever again. What do you want me to do. I do all I can I put food on the table, I make sure you go to school, I make sure you have a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in. What do you want me to do. "I wish you were dead" and I wish your mother took you with her when she fucking left us. She got her drink and threw it all over me. Fucking hell. She starts walking away don't fucking run off while I'm talking to you. I walked after her but Blair got in the way "just leave her alone" I was so mad at her for stopping me I could kill her. She had her hands on my chest and all I could think about was her touch and how it felt on my body. Zander went after her and it was Blair and I alone at the table. I was drying my self off and Blair was sitting down there looking down at her hands. She probably thinks were crazy. Fucking hell. "Family drama gotta miss them one day. But that day isn't today." Don't not right now Blair I don't need your little snarky comments about my family and I. "well its a mess I mean you should know this by now you shouldn't be surprised." Shut up. I got up to go to the kitchen and when I came back Blair wasn't there I was gone for 2 seconds. FUCK ME FUCKKK

Blair Gray
I thought this was a great opportunity to run but when I got to the door I saw the guards in front and I had to rethink this plan so I decided to go find Zara and see if she's ok. I walked upstairs and it was the second door. I could hear her crying. I felt bad to be honest but what can you do he's a dick. I knocked the door and then I walked in heyy. She got up from the best and positioned herself so that she was sitting up and she stared at me. " What do you want?" I just wanted to see how you were doing I sat next to her are you ok? "Im fine" but i knew she wasn't she put her head down on my lap and started crying again. I felt so bad I just rubbed her back and head. 2 minutes later I heard him screaming my name as if I had done something bad. The door bursts open and he is walking towards me looking like he's about to kill me. If only looks could kill. "WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU?ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID." He was dragging me by my arm and it hurt like a bitch. You're hurting me. As he is about to drag me out of her room she starts yelling for him to let me go. "Whats wrong with you let her go" she is now pulling me out of his arm and all of the sudden I hear a loud smack. He slapped her he fucking slapped her. She fell on the floor and I went down after her to see if she's ok. What is fucking wrong with you. Are you fucking metal. I could see that he felt bad for her but his ego got in the way of his feelings. Fucking stupid. Are you ok? I felt so bad for her fucking hell. When I asked her if she was ok she just let go of her face and hugged me. She was hugging me. " take me with you again please" She was begging me to take her with me. "She isn't going anywhere for her to be taking you with her. Get up now" I helped her up and put her in the bed and he grabbed my arm dragging me out of her room and slamming the door shut. " What did I fucking tell you huh didn't I tell you don't fucking do anything stupid." I didn't I just wanted to know if she was ok after all those hurtful things you said to her. "Don't fucking speak I don't wanna hear it." He grabbed my had and dragged me up the stairs. I didn't know where were going because we passed the room he kept me in. We passed the room and eventually got to another one. He unlocked the door and walked in. He left me there near the bed sit and get comfortable you're gonna be here for long and walked off into a room. A little while later he came out only wearing sweatpants. What am I doing here? He ignored me as if i wasn't there. Zavier what am i doing here. He looked up at me as if I was dumb or something "you're gonna be sleeping here from now on." With you? "yes" I don't think thats happening you're delusional if you think Im sleeping in the same bed with the asshole that almost killed me, tortured me, forced himself in me and then slapped his sister in front of me. "I don't give a fuck what you think. wear this and lay down." He threw a black shirt at me and told me to change. " Don't piss me off anymore then you have already changed and lay down." I changed my top and then took off my pants and laid in his bed I didn't want to make things worse then they already were.

Kind of a long chapter enjoy also what yall think of Zavier??

The power he holdsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora