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Damian Ivanov
We were in a car accident the car flipped over and when I woke up she was gone. I called and told the guys to come pick us up the driver and I Blair was no to be found. I literally thought I was losing it but we're home now I'm fine and I hope she's doing ok.
Dad someone took her. "What" the car flipped over and when I woke up she was gone. It must of been the Luciano's. Im gonna kill him if he hurts her.

Andrei Ivanov
How the fuck did this happen? How how how. I picked Ezra up from Hope the adoption center he was at as we were getting home I saw the boys leaving. When they came back it was Damian without Blair he had some cuts, bruises and was bloody. what happened and he said they got into an accident and when he woke up Blair was gone. Fucking Hell I told her to be careful I told her Lucianos are not one to mess with. Fucking hell. "Im gonna kill him" Son don't be such a hot head. Think smart and look for Blair without getting yourself killed. Its been 2 days no word for them no wants from Zavier. I am losing it I told Blair I will have her back and aways help her but here we are looking for her and have no clue were she is.

Blair Gray
It's been two days since I've been here. I have been tortured many ways that I didn't even know was possible. He hasn't been in after that talk we had about combining our Mafias but thats out of the question why would I give him any more power. Why just why.
I close my eyes and get some rest i'm hungry and thirsty so i sleep to forget.
The lights were on and I heard them walking in.

Zavier Luciano
Zander and I walk in the room Blair is locked in and I just wanted to see if she had an answer for me. She was awake when we walked in and she was breathing heavy but I didn't care she should be glad Im not keeping her in the basement with all the rats.
Mr.Blair do you have an answer for me? She chuckled " you can go fuck yourself" how dare she disrespect me infront of my brother. Zander get out. Are you sure Gray Im not a man you want too mess with. " fuck you ur not a man at all" looks like you've never met a real man. Let me show you not to mess with me. I pull her clothes off and turn her on her stomach. I fucked her over and over and over again till she begged me to stop.

Blair Gray
He raped me. He fucked me over and over again until couldn't anymore I was begging him too stop. " I will continue to fuck you until you get your act together and get with me. Everyday for the rest of your life I will make sure you know what I'm capable of."

Zavier Luciano
I will continue to fuck you until you get your act together and get with me. Everyday for the rest of your life I will make sure you know what I'm capable of. I told her Im not one to mess with. I warned her this would happen. she curled up and was sobbing I got dressed turned off the lights and left. I felt like a dick but I fucking warned her.
I went on with my day and went to my clubs and wear houses and checked up on them. Business was fine same old shit. All I could think of is fucking Blair. Fuck sakes all she did was lay there and let me fuck her. But I want more it like she was what I was craving all this time. Fucking the enemy isn't a good look. FUCK
I went home and went straight to bed it was around 3am I wanted to check on her but if I did I am a man of my word I would fuck her and hurt her more so I went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up early worked out for 2 hours and I was out of the house by 12 I had a meeting to attend and it was for a building I was trying to buy but the stubborn motherfucker didn't wanna sell it to me. We negotiated for an hour straight and it's already fucking three. We got home around 4 and I went straight upstairs to the room she was in. She was in the same position I left her at. I went close and turned her around on her back. Wake up Ms.Gray. She looked at me but the look she looked at me like I was a monster. "get away from me your a monster. Don't fucking touch me" What did you say? Monster you think fucking you once makes me a monster I will fuck you over and over again and make sure you know what a monster looks like. "Get off me. Stopp get off me" She was moving and trying to hit me but she was tied up. I take my pants off and stick myself in her without a warning she jolted up and she was looking at me with tears in her eyes. I don't care she wants a monster I'll give her that. Listen I'm going to continue to fuck you over and over again like I said until you break and submit to me. "I will never ever willingly submit to you ever." This went on for a good 1 hour she looked tired and empty she had no facial expression nor tears. Have I finally got to her? haha I only fucked her twice she's that easy.

Hehe another chapter published what yall think so far?

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