Meeting Damian Ivanov

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Today was my official day as the New Russian mafia leader. I'm gonna be better than my father that's a priority. When I talked to Andrei in the morning he told me he has someone that I need to meet that are gonna be coming over soon so I got up and showered and got ready for the day it was 7:30 I went downstairs and had breakfast I made some pancakes with some fruits. I heard the doorbell ring so I went to let let them in. Andrei walked in and then a man after him he looked kinda older than me maybe 2 years or so. Andrei introduced him as Damian Ivanov his son. I never knew Andrei had a son but I can see it there's a resemblance the black hair dark blue beautiful eyes. He said how it was an honor to meet me again and I was really confused because I thought it was my first time meeting him but turns out I met him when I was five and he was eight he always used to play with me soccer and he dolls. We used to be best friends before his mom took him and moved aways then years later Andrei got him back after his mom died. It was a sad story but I am glad I have got a friend.

Damian Ivanov
When she opened the door I looked at her and she looked so sad and tired I kinda felt bad but I really missed her she doesn't remember me but I remember her and how competitive she was when it came to games at the age of five she was beating us all at soccer. It always made me smile when she would get all Im gonna win on me and the boys. I said my condolences and we walked in and sat down in the living room and my father told her how we used to be close and how I am someone she can trust and I am I want her to get everything she desires. When my father told me that she was alone and he had killed her whole family I remembered how his father killed my mother because she wouldn't give out were my father and Giorgio were. I was left alone but then my father found me and kept me safe. I was 10 when I saw how he toured and killed my mother. We have business down at the warehouse tomorrow and the next month we have to go to a meeting in London to talk to Smirnoff and my father told her she was confused as to why.

Blair Gray
When Andrei told me we had to go to London I was confused but then I remembered that Dimitri Smirnoff wants to buy the underground club in Vegas that my father said he wanted to sell but honestly I don't really feel like selling anything right now maybe when Im older I will but not right now. We went out to dinner and it was a really fancy restaurant the food there was delicious ohh boy Russians can cook.

Today we go to the warehouse because I had to see what was happening with the people working there and I had to officially meet them this was and couple hours away from were I lived so we took the private jet. I didn't know my father owned a private jet but I guess its mine now. I still can't get over the fact that their dead even if it's already been couple months. It frustrates me when I see on the news how they say my family was killed and it was a robbery I knew it wasn't and so did he.
When we finally got there after driving from the airport we walked in and the whole place went quiet and when they say you can hear a pin drop that what was happening right now. I need people to be scared of me but I had to give them a good impression.
I spoke to everyone in the meeting hall Hello as many of you know I am Blair Gray and i'd like to thank everyone for staying loyal to my father all these years and I hope you can do the same with me if no its simple you die I gave them a chance if you want out this is the time to get up and walk out no punishments and no one moves no even a single move and thats when I knew I had their loyalty and we wrapped things up there and though-out the month I went to Paris, Tokyo, Rome, New York, Dubi and my last stop London In a month I traveled to so many places and saw so many more of my fathers work and I really think I like taking over the business. I do wish my family were here to see this but unfortunately they aren't. I have a new family now the Ivanov's. I am very thankful for Andrei and Damian for all they do.

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