Zavier's back

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Blair Gray
Damian and I are out and went to check on my workers. I literally couldn't say at that house after that little surprise from that Luciano bastard I just couldn't even have breakfast. We got red bull on the way there. D what do I do now there's another person that my so-called father has done dirty and they all want to kill me. They all want me dead. What do I do now?

Damian Ivanov
There is always you can marry and combine the Mafia's? "Marry who the one that killed my family? or Marry the one that stood there and watched as they almost killed you? Which one or ohh we can't forget the one that back and wants my head on a plater. I don't fucking know man. FUCK." Well B this is the new warehouse. It's bigger than the first one and we have more men guarding it.

Blair Gray
Fucking hell it is. Let's just pray they don't come after this one too. Are all the workers here? " Yea" The warehouse was in the middle of nowhere covered in the woods. OK let's check the place out and then dip I need a break I think it's time to go away for a lil. I promised you something when you were at the hospital and I am keeping my promise. It took us an hour to check everything out the whole place and it took us another hour to check on our products. D gather everyone up and let me talk to them and we can leave. We've been here too long already. Goodmorning everybody welcome to your new place. I just want to thank you all for doing an excellent job. I know we had a few incidents but that's not stopping us from continuing. I just want to make sure all of you are safe and you all know that I won't let anything happen to you. I'm nothing like my father. Thank you. D lets head out. We got ready to go how was the speech D? "It was great Blair. I liked that you said your nothing like your father. I hope you truly believe that because you are nothing like him." Yea thanks D. We were an hour away from home and I was just checking up on Ezra it's been a while and I wanted to see how he was and turns out his parents put him up for adoption and when I heard that I was fuming all I saw was black. Are you fucking stupid I told you if Ezra ever needs anything call me that's why I gave you that fucking phone. FUCK which adoption center is he at? "He's at Hope" Fucking hell. Damian call your dad and tell him Ezras at Hope tell him to find him now. I'm gonna fucking kill you. I fucking told you if he ever needs something you call me and I would gladly help did it not go through your fucking little brain that I might have wanted him or wanted to help him? Fuck this bitch. I hung up and called hope looking for Ezra they told me he's been there for months now fuckk fuckk fuck. I told them to get him ready and I'm sending someone for him. "Sorry, Ms.Gray we can't do that we have procedures" Fuck you fucking procedures. Someone is coming for him get him ready now.
Fuck how could I have let this happen FUCK FUCKK FUCK I need a fucking cigarette. I put the cigarette in between my lips and lit it up. I should've never sent him back with his fucking parent's man. D TELL HIM TO GO GET EZRA NOW. "He's on his way there now." Great fucking great. I closed my eyes and I thought about how what the fuck I'm going to do with this kid.
Next thing I know we got hit the tires of the car let down and we were rolling. I was sure I was gonna die. We were fucking ambushed. Fuck me.

Hey babes tell me how y'all feel about this chapter.
Crazy shits going down ahhhh

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