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Blair Gray
I open my eyes and all I can remember is Ezra and the car flipping over. We were fucking ambushed but by who? fuck me. I was kidnapped. I open my eyes and the room is dark. I try to get up but my legs and hands are cuffed to the bed. Who the fuck. I heard talking through the door and I heard them opening the door with keys and they turn on the lights and to my fucking surprise its the fucking Luciano brother Zavier and Zander. They have a sister but I don't know what she looks like I didn't even know which is which from the boys because I have never met them ever.

Zavier Luciano
Blair Gray the infamous daughter of Giorgio and Lucinda Gray. What a pleasure to meet you. The daughter that nobody knew Giorgio had. Fuck sakes imagine having a gorgeous daughter like this and wanting nothing to do with her. Hurts doesn't it knowing daddy dearest didn't want you? I mean he was a prick we should be surprised. I hear you have take over the the Russian Mafia after his death. How is it? Huh "Fuck you" ohh she has a feisty.

Blair Gray
Yea I am and you better kill me now or else when i'm free i'm going to finish what my father couldn't. His hand connected with my cheek and it burned but I could take more. A little slap was nothing. He started laughing fucking crazy bastard. Rising your hand on a girl I thought your mother might've taught you better. "don't you fucking talk about my mother" Awe did I hit close to home. How is she anyway I mean after what my father did to her. You know almost losing her life or losing a bastard. Chuckles all i heard was him laughing. "She left us." Fucking hell I almost want to feel bad for you but I don't. Now what happened to Damian? What the fuck do you want from me? "Damian is fine but you might not be from what I'm going to do with you." You have no fucking clue how much I can fucking take. You don't fucking know me.

Zavier Luciano
Well shall we test you? "He takes my top off and puts things on my body and I fucking know where this is going" "Fuckkkkk is that all you got you fucking coward" Crazy bitch. I turn the volts up to 50 and press the button and this goes on for an Hour of torture. She's settled down and looks beat. I don't want to kill her if I did I would've put a bullet in her head the second she was out of that car. I have other plans for her. Zander left a while ago to check on Zara our younger sister apparently she had trouble at the club she was at a week ago and someone helped her and we are only hearing about this now. She keeps to herself she's quite and thats fine but she likes to party with her friends and gets into a lot of trouble with them. I turn the lights off and go downstairs for dinner.
What's for dinner? I walk in the living room and Zara and Zander are sitting and waiting for me. I sit at the head of the table and tell them to bring the food. My chef is amazing and he's known us since we were born. How are you Zara? "Fine" How's school? "Fine" I am not so close to her but she isn't fine she's been like this ever since our so called mother left. I was only 10 when she left Zander was 9 and 7. I know my father treated her poorly but she could've stayed for her but maybe thats too much too ask for. I never looked for her because she left us and wanted nothing to do with none of us. We lost our father months ago that is why were back. I took over the family business a while ago. I have been training for that day ever since i could remember. Its been a couple hours and I am ready to torture her more its around 1am and Im going to her room. I open the door and see her lying there. She looks perfect her body her face. She looks peaceful I splash water on her and disturb her sleep. Im back did you miss me? "very much" she says sarcastically. We go at it again for couple of hours and I keep hurting her over and over again. She hasn't done anything to me but her father thats another story and if he was here today it would be him in this room almost looking half to death. She is his blood whats the difference. I am going to tell you once Blair and your gonna do as I say. We will combine our Mafias. You will be my wife and have my children and live happily ever after do you hear me? This is the last thing I wanted but I need a heir and I need my Mafia to get bigger by combining the Italian-American Mafia with the Russian Mafia We will be unstoppable.

Blair Gray
I was asleep in pain till I felt water all over me. I open my eyes to see Mr.dickhead standing over me. I look at him smiling Round 2. I am in so much pain but he doesn't need to know that. Plus I can take much more. As I am about to say something he interrupts me saying that I will have to Marry him and have his children like as if I will ever fuck him. You are fucking delusional if you think thats ever gonna happen. fucking crazy. "It is and I will make sure of it." How exactly are you going to do that?
"You don't wanna know. You have till I come back to think about it and if your answer is still unclear I will fuck you and make you submit to me."

Zavier Luciano
She looked scared so torturing didn't phase her but me fucking her did. This girl can she get anymore complicated.

Hey Babes I added another chapter heheh I will update another one too.

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