Quiet day

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Blair Gray
Today I woke up around 6 am, I was wearing a Burgundy lace corset with a black blazer. I didn't have much to do besides go around and check our warehouses and collect money from corner shops we offered our protections to. I am tired after the long week I had of Vitali telling me that the Luciano's are back after we haven't heard of them from ages, that girl we helped and Andrei telling me what happened with my father and the Luciano's. I don't even know what I'm doing, all I know is that it was a quiet day today, and we don't have many quiet days in the Mafia. It's like the Calm before the storm, it bothers me. I don't like it not one bit. I have been sitting in my office and from 7 am till now.

11:30 am
I was hungry and the only thing I had today was red bull's like at least 3 of them. I have a fridge in my office and its filled with redbulls only.

I decided to go out to get coffee and maybe breakfast

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I decided to go out to get coffee and maybe breakfast. I asked Damian if he wanted to meet me there he went out with Erik they had something to talk about. I went down and I saw the maids set the table for lunch but I didn't want to eat at home. They all froze when I walked into the kitchen. I walked in to get water and I opened the fridge and look at them they all looked down I grabbed the water and looked back at them and cleared my throat. I'm not going to be eating lunch here. You can clean up or wait for the rest of the guys to eat many aren't home but feed the ones that are."of course boss, "One of the ladies saidI went out of there drinking my water I know people are scared of me but they live with me. I made my way to the door and just like that I was out of the house.

Hey babess I hope you like this its a short chapter but things are gonna get wayyy better. Yall just wait the "the calm before the storm"
Well we will see what happens nextt

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