Some People Do [Dare Part 7]

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A knock sounded on Derek's door; he looked at the time, seeing that he still had a while before his basketball game; it could be one of his teammates. "Coming," He shouted, walking to answer the door. "Hey- Stiles." Derek was somewhat shocked to see his old friend standing outside of his room. Possibly more than he should see as they live across the hall from each other. 

"Hey, um, is now a good time?" Stiles asked. 

"Yeah, do you want to come in for a minute?" Derek asked, looking over to his shoulder, thankfully he had just cleaned his room.

"If that's okay," Stiles weakly smiled. Derek nodded, stepping aside so Stiles could enter his room. "So, are you playing in tonight's game?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous to tell you the truth." Derek chuckled. "So, why did you really walk across the hall?" 

"Oh, right, I know that the team normally goes out after games, but Thomas and I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to hang out with us? I also might have gotten word that well, don't make me say it." Stiles sighed. 

"That I got into a fistfight with the captain of the basketball team, and most of the team doesn't like me? Yeah, but well, you know that I beat his ass. I'll have you know; these Oregon wolves are something else; the dude has no chill." Derek laughed. "I'd be honored to join you and Thomas." He grinned at the boy.

Stiles laughed, looking around Derek's room. Hearing Derek talk about fighting people brought back memories from high school; he missed those days before everything fell apart. A small glow caught Stiles' eye as he glanced at Derek's desk. Sliding Derek's laptop out of the way, Stiles picked up the glowing Crystal. "I figured that you threw this out," Stiles said, turning to the wolf. 

"I left it at home when I first left for school and when I went home before coming here, my mom hid it in a box. I know we've talked about this, but I honestly don't know why I did what I did to you, Stiles. I was stupid, and if I could take it all back, I would." Derek paused, peaking at Stiles over his shoulder. 

"Let's not talk about it, okay? What happened, happened." Stiles set the crystal back on the desk.

"But it shouldn't have Stiles. I was so scared of my heart being broken again that I broke it myself in the hope of saving myself. I was too stupid to realize how much it was going to hurt you as well. Everyone warned me, told me to get my shit together, and I was an idiot, Stiles." Derek laughed out of anger, not at Stiles but himself. "I mean, you didn't have a clue, but that damn crystal means more to my kind than you can believe." 

"I know exactly what it means, Derek. I was trying to fix what little bit of a friendship –forget a relationship– that we had. I loved you, Derek, and some days it felt like those feelings were one-sided," Stiles sighed. "I told you this before, things won't go back to how they were before, but I'd like to try and be friends, Derek." 

"Stiles," Derek started, but Stiles had turned to walk out of the dorm room. 

"I know it's hard to change; it's hard when things change. But some people do, Derek."

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