After Party [Dare Part 9]

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Stiles held his breath as there was a knock on his dorm room. Thomas patted his shoulder, walking past him to open the door, knowing that Stiles was going to be stuck in place for another minute or so. He was still nervous about actually spending time with Derek. "Stiles, you'll want to see this!" Thomas called, breaking Stiles from his trance. The bit of fear in the British lads' voice worried him.

Stiles ran to the door seeing Thomas trying to hold Derek up as he pulled him into the room. "Shit," Stiles muttered, closing the door once they were past it and helping Thomas rest Derek on the couch. "Run to the bathroom and get me a couple of wet towels, would you?" Stiles' voice was steady, but Thomas could see the sadness in his friends' eyes. 

"This is my fault, isn't it?" Stiles sighed, beginning to look over Derek. 

Derek coughed, trying to sit up. "Hardly." He swatted Stiles' hands away; Derek didn't want to lay down. 

"Then why do you look like this, Derek? It surely isn't because you helped them turn the game around and win." Stiles snapped, pushing Derek into the couch as he tried to stand up. Thomas came back with the wet towels; Stiles took them, beginning to clean Derek's bloody lip and nose, trying to look at the black eye that was continuing to grow darker instead of healing. 

"Okay, maybe it does have to do with you. So what? I was only coming to tell you that I couldn't hang out with you; I'll be going." Derek snapped, trying to push Stiles away from him again. 

The smaller boy snapped. Stiles pushed Derek back into the couch and smacked him across the face. "Sit your ass down, Derek Hale. I have put up with your shit long enough not to let it ever slide again. Now you're going to tell me what the fuck happened, or so help me, I will find the most potent wolfsbane I can and shove it down your throat." 

Derek had never heard Stiles talk like that, and it honestly scared him more than his mother. Talia Hale is one scary woman, so that's saying something. "Okay," Derek whispered. 

Stiles sighed, feeling most of the anger leave his body. He wasn't about to let Derek push him away again, not like this. He was still hoping to fix at least their friendship. "Now, tell me what happened." 

"What do you think happened? The team was pissed that some human came and pushed them around in the middle of a game. So the coach told them to take care of it, or he would bench them. I had to fight them off; I wasn't about to let them come and hurt you because you stood up for me, Stiles." Derek wrung his hands together, not making eye contact with Stiles. Stiles always used to hate when Derek stood up for him, let alone when he'd have to fight someone for him.

"Stiles, don't do it!" Thomas shouted. Derek was still too stunned from his fight to realize that Stiles had left his side and raced out of the room. "Shit."

"Where's he going? I didn't exactly win that fight. If they find him, they'll kill him." Derek staggered to his feet. 

"He's going to find them. Because he knows that if they didn't show up at their party, people would ask questions." Thomas sighed, finding his keys and coat. He turned to Derek shaking his head. "Come on then. You'll want to see this, plus they'll want to talk to you." Thomas waved Derek along as he walked out of the dorm. 

"Talk to me?" Derek questioned as he followed.

"Don't heal too quickly; they'll need pictures as well." Thomas slowed his pace, so Derek didn't get lost behind him. Derek's confused expression made Thomas chuckle. "Stiles is probably on the phone with his dad right now. He's the Cheifs son, and he's going to make sure that team pays." 


By the time Derek and Thomas showed up at the After Party, the house was covered in cops, and most of the team were sitting in the back of cop cars. "Thomas! Derek!" They caught sight of Stiles standing with his dad. 

"Geez, kid, I've seen you in rough shape before, but this is a new one for you," Mr. Stilinski chuckled, seeing Derek. "Stay like that a little longer; we'll get down to the station, take some pictures and your statement." 

"Looks like one hell of an after-party, wouldn't you agree, Derek?" Stiles smirked.

"Yeah, it is."

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