Graduation [Dare P.10]

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Stiles smiled looking across the crowd of people. Families holding flowers, balloons, and gifts of all kinds. Their graduates standing with them, the flash of cameras and cellphones filling the humungous auditorium with more light. 

Stiles stood along the wall, close to the door; ready to slip out the second his joy finally faded. He was alone. Thomas was boxed in by his large family, Stiles had already had his hello's with them. The reality hits him, that this might be the last time he sees his college roommate, the last time they even speak. It stung far worse now than when Stiles had graduated high school. He didn't have any friends then, he was alone in a different state when it happened. 

But it was hitting Stiles hard. The feeling of being alone. Of having no one in life that cares about him aside from his dad. He felt like a sophomore in high school all over again.

Ready to slip out of the door, Stiles steps away from the wall, not caring to glance over his shoulder; arms flung around Stiles, bringing him to a stop. "Batman!" His breath caught at the nickname he hadn't heard in years. Stiles glanced around him, at the two pairs of arms clinging to him.

"Cora. Erica." He whispers. Around him stands the people he hadn't seen in years, who he once called his best friends and even family. 

Issac leaned against the wall where Stiles was before, Boyd next to him. Talia Hale stood in front of Stiles, a large grin on her lips. Laura stood next to her mother a smirk plastered on her lips that carried to her eyes. Even Peter stood with the family, a cocky smile pointed at Stiles. 

"You didn't think we'd let you run away again, did you?" Derek's voice makes the arms around Stiles release him, allowing him to turn. 

Stiles' voice is small as he looks Derek over. He looked no different than when they had seen each other this morning, packing their dorms, and helping fix each other's ties. "You told them I was here?"

"Well, they did watch you give a speech and walk across the stage, so I didn't exactly have to tell them," Derek smirked.

"I technically did that," Talia spoke resting her hand on Stiles' shoulder. "I wanted to give you space. I didn't want you getting hurt because we were around, so I made sure everyone kept to themselves when we visited. Your well-being was more important than us wanting back into your life." 

"But you made friends with Derek again. So we all agreed, that we were sick of watching from the sidelines, and wanted our Stiles back." Issac lightly punched Stiles' shoulder, giving him a large smile. "We aren't letting you go this time. You're stuck with us, no matter what."

"Are you guys done with the love fest yet? I'm starving." Laura stepped up to them. Stiles fought his smile, she always seemed to know when he was getting overwhelmed. 

"Agreed. I know a lovely stop not far from here." Peter nodded linking his arms with Laura and Talia, leading them from the building. Issac, Boyd, Cora, and Erica quickly followed after, leaving Derek and Stiles behind.

"You can tell them that it's too much, they'll understand." Derek's gaze flicked down to the ground.

Stiles sniffed, biting his lip, trying to fight away the tears that were already trailing down his cheeks. "I didn't know how much I missed them until they were right here." Stiles sobbed. He covered his mouth with his hand, leaning against the wall once again. They missed him. They wanted him back in their lives. 

"Did you think that they wouldn't?" Derek moved to stand closer to Stiles, carefully placing his fingers on Stiles' forearm. "Stiles they were never mad at you, if they were mad at anyone it was always me for fucking everything up. They picked you over me from the beginning, but as they said, it was safer not to be in your life, hurting you, than being there and hurting you."

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