Third Years [Part 2]

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"Stiles, are you sure you're up for this?" Scott asked, watching as Stiles' leg bounced while they sat waiting for Stiles' dueling match. "You don't have to do this, you know, you can back out."

"I'll be fine, Scott. Flitwick is confident that I'm going to be good at this, and I feel that way too. Plus, my mom was a Dueling Club Champion! It's in my blood!" Stiles grinned, fiddling with his wand. He was still nervous, but he wasn't going to back out now.

"So is having a muggle cop for a father, Stiles. But you don't see your dad out having a shoot out for fun." Scott grabbed his friend's shoulder, forcing Stiles to look him in the eyes. "Are you sure you can do this?"

"Yes, Scott! Just because you got your butt kicked by Issac doesn't mean that I'm scared!" Stiles laughed. The Dueling Club had finally begun a week before the Winter Holidays. The professors were letting students they knew were ready to duel each other in hopes that others would learn and join the club. Seeing as students were leaving come the weekend, McGonagal wanted to host duels after classes finished for the day all week. 

"Look, just don't freak out when you get up there, okay?" Scott rolled his eyes as Flitwick called Stiles' name. Stiles sent Scott a wicked grin before taking his place on the dueling stage. 

"Remember, Stiles, if anything goes wrong, I will step in," Flitwick said from his stool. Stiles gave a quick nod before his opponent was called. "Hale, Derek." 

Stiles' breath hitched for a split second as Derek hopped up onto the stage. He knew this would happen, they're friends again, but Stiles didn't want his first opponent to be Derek. "Shake hands," The boys stepped forward, and Stiles shakily grabbed Derek's hand. 

"Last time we were in this situation, you said you wouldn't go easy on me the next time we met like this. I hope you keep that promise, Stilinski," Derek smirked, gripping Stiles' hand tightly. 

Stiles clicked his tongue against his teeth, "Oh, believe me, you won't know what hit you." 

"To your places!" The pair parted and stood at opposite ends of the stage. "Wands at the ready!" Stiles knew what Derek was going to do; he was sure of it. Flitwick called for the match to begin.

"Flipendo!" Derek called.

"Protego!" Stiles shouted, watching as Derek's charm blasted towards him.

"You can't defend your way through this, Stiles!" Derek laughed. 

"Oh, I don't intend to," Stiles smirked. "Fumos!" Black smoke began to emerge from Stiles' wand filling the room. He knew he only had a short amount of time, but he was going to take the chance. 

Derek cast a spell that began to slowly clear the room, but Stiles was ahead of him. "Geminio." Stiles whispered, causing a seemingly useless dummy to stand in his place. Stiles jumped from the stage, knowing that he had full use of the room as long as no one was hurt. He quickly hid in the crowd and waited for the smoke to clear. 

"You've left yourself open!" Derek smirked. "Bombarda!" The dummy exploded into pieces as everyone gasped. 

"Aguamenti!" Stiles shouted from the crowd, shooting water and Derek and blasting him from the stage. Jumping back up, Stiles smirked to himself. 

Derek grumbled to himself, climbing back onto the stage, his we bangs covering his eyes. "That was low." 

"No, that was funny," Stiles giggled. "Langlock." Stiles quickly cast, rendering Derek unable to cast another spell. 

"Well, it looks like our victor is Mr. Stilinski!" Flitwick announced. The crowd cheered as Flitwick unjinxed Derek. "Shake hands, boys." 

"You know, if you paid a little more attention to our tutoring lessons and in class, you could have bested me." Stiles smiled at Derek. 

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