The Game [Dare Part 8]

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Stiles stood nervously in the gym's bleacher, watching Derek and the rest of the basketball team race across the court. Derek was an amazing player, but the rest of the team didn't seem to give a shit; Derek was constantly open, and no one would pass him the ball. The home team was down by over twenty points, but no matter how often Derek had the chance to score, Derek wasn't passed the ball. "Come on, give him the ball," Stiles grumbled, chewing at his bottom lip. 

"I swear, American's get dumber every second. I don't like the guy either, but shit, he's open!" Thomas shouted from next to Stiles. Thomas tried to talk Stiles out of going to the game, but Stiles being Stiles, had a gut feeling that he had to be there. 

Once again, the game was at the home team end of the court, and Derek was wide open and able to make a three-point shot; his teammate hesitated on passing the ball to him but took the shot himself, missing. At that time, Derek was also slammed into the court by a player from the other team. "Derek!" Stiles shouted, watching as Derek didn't quickly get back up. Within second's Stiles was on the court by Derek's side. 

"Derek, are you okay?" Stiles gasped out; he watched Derek open his eyes, which happened to be blue. "Derek, calm down. Your eyes." 

"This is bull shit," Derek growled, sitting up with Stiles' help. 

"I know. But you can't wolf out in front of all of these people. Just take a second, okay?" Stiles smiled, pushing Derek's sweaty hair from his eyes. "I've got this." Stiles was standing to his feet with a wink and making his way over to Derek's teammates and coach.

"Excuse me," Stiles tapped on the coach's shoulder.

"What do you want?" He growled at Stiles. Stiles rolled his eyes; he wasn't scared of a Beta at this point anymore. 

"Pass Derek the fucking ball, or you'll have to put up with me. He's the best fucking basketball player I have ever seen, and you stupid Beta's are too stupid to figure your shit out! You're Beta's, not Alpha's, so stop acting all high and mighty! Play the game right and win, or you can continue to make a laughing stock of yourselves!" Stiles snapped, pointing fingers and pushing around the team. It seemed that somehow Stiles scared the team because none of them even opened their mouths. "Get your shit together. I don't want to see how you act like a werewolf pack if you can't act like a basketball team." Quickly turning on his heel Stiles walked up to Derek with a smile on his face.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," Derek smiled.

"I know. But if I didn't, I feel like your mom would have," Stiles gave Derek a quick hug before joining Thomas back in the bleachers. 

"What happened to 'I don't have feeling for him anymore'?" Thomas mocked his friend. 

"Shut up. He's still my friend, and I'm dying watching them throw the whole game because they're a bunch of stupid Beta's." Stiles pushed at his shoulder. "Plus, I looked like a badass, and I know it."

Thomas laughed, shaking his head as the game buzzer went off and continued. The term broke the huddle, and Derek was smiling as he raced out with the team. As soon as they gained possession of the ball, Derek was passed the ball and able to race down the court, scoring a three-pointer. 

"Go, Derek!" Stiles cheered. That gut feeling that Stiles had of needing to be at the game was gone.

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