Avengers [Part 6]

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"Steve, Buck, take the stairs to your right," Stiles sat on a rooftop a hologram of the building that his fellow Avengers were searching projects off of his wrist. "Nat, Der, two doors to your left should be a room that's giving off high explosive readings." 

"Sounds like it's time to clear the building," Tony comments over the coms. 

"Stiles, there's no door here." Natasha's worry made Stiles scan the hologram again. 

"Secret door sounds fun," Tony chuckled, making his way to the floor that Natasha and Derek were on. "You two get out of the building; I'll check it out." 

"Stark, whatever you do, don't blow this place up. We've got something down here," Steve's voice stopped Tony. 

Stiles pulled up the camera attached to Bucky's shoulder, getting a look at the room they were in. "Buck, go to the computer on your left and hook me up. Tony, give me thirty seconds, and you can find out what's in that door." This was Stiles' first mission that he was leading, to an extent. Steve and Tony were always going to make the critical decisions, but this was Stiles' first time telling everyone what to do. Stiles scanned the files popping up in front of him, stopping on one that worried him. "Guys, we've got a situation." 

"What's wrong?" Derek was first to ask.

"Whoever this is, has files on all of us. Very detailed files." Stiles gulped, seeing his friends' names flash in front of him, including some old friends. "Steve, Bucky, see if you can find anything else in that room. It's getting personal." 

"Stiles, what's in those files?" Derek could hear the worry and pain in Stiles' voice.

"Nothing that I wanted to relive." 

"We aren't finding anything, Stiles. We're going to get out of here and let Stark finish things on his end." Steve announced.

"Copy that. Tony, everyone's clear of the building; you're good to go." 

"The door isn't wired, and they covered it up for some reason. I'm not finding anything in it, though." Mumbled Tony. 

Stiles sighed, watching as heat signatures entered the building; he tilted his head, confused as the building was abandoned and everyone was cleared out aside from Tony. "Tony, you've got company."

"Company? What do you mean– Oh, hello." Stiles stood from his place on the rooftop. 

"Where did they all come from?! Guys, he's going to need– Is that a werewolf?" Stiles' eyes went wide as he looked at the creature on the opposite rooftop. Stiles wouldn't have known from the distance if it wasn't for the blazing red eyes staring back at him. "Derek, there's an alpha." 

"Little busy Stiles!" 

"Everyone needs to get out now!" Stiles fumbled with the pistol in his side holster. He grabbed the clip from his left side and slid it into the gun, pointing it to the Alpha in front of him. Stiles never thought he'd have to use this clip, not unless Derek somehow lost control. 

"Stand down! We aren't here to fight you!" Stiles shouted carefully, backing his way to the quinjet behind him. 

"But we are." 

Stiles nearly screamed, whipping around to find a group of beta's behind him. "So you wanna talk it out?" The wolves growled at him. "No? Alrighty then." Stiles was always good at thinking on his feet, but at this moment, he was struggling. Then it hit him; well, a fist did, but an idea did as well. 

Catching his breath from taking a solid punch to the gut, Stiles turned and bolted across the rooftop. "SAM! I need a lift!" Stiles exclaimed. He was not going to be caught by a group of werewolves. Been there, done that. Far too many times. Stiles ran straight off the roof, closing his eyes as he began to drop, holding his hands above his head in hopes that Sam would catch him. 

"I got you," Sam chuckled as his hands grabbed onto Stiles, continuing to fly away from the building. "You know those dudes are scary." 

"Yeah, kinda forgot how scary," Stiles sighed, finally opening his eyes looking up at Sam. "We've gotta clear them out of the area so I can get to the jet." Sam landed on an empty rooftop, scanning the mess that they were in. 

"You're the werewolf expert here."

"Sadly." Stiles sighed. "You wanna play fetch with some werewolves?" Stiles grinned at the idiotic idea that popped into his head. 

"Why do I know that this involves Redwing probably getting smashed?" Sam groaned, propelling the robot. 

"You're going to shoot them with Redwing, piss them off a little, and as they chase after it, then get the two of us over to the quinjet so we can get the other's out," Stiles explained, watching his friends fight off the werewolves. His heart dropped, watching Derek be thrown to the ground by the Alpha werewolf. "DEREK!" 

Sam grabbed Stiles in his arms, holding him back from jumping from the roof. Sam held his breath, watching the blood gush from Derek's chest; the werewolf howled, and the fighting stopped. The pack of wolves ran after their leader, leaving the Avengers confused and rushing to Derek's side. 

Stiles was in a blur when Sam picked him up and flew them over to the others. "The bleeding won't stop. Shouldn't it be stopping?" Natasha's voice was broken and filled with fear. 

"It isn't going to," Stiles muttered, crawling over to Derek resting their foreheads together. "Alpha wounds take longer to heal; we need to treat it as a normal wound." He pulled the gauze from his pack and began packing Derek's wounds. 

Everyone stood watching Stiles as it was apparent he was breaking down, acting like this was a perfectly regular occurrence for the duo. 


Stiles sat in the infirmary two days later, reading over the files they had retrieved, listening to Derek breathe and the machines tell him that he was still alive. Derek had yet to wake up, and Stiles did everything he could to figure out who those wolves were. A knock came on the door frame; Sam and Bucky stood there with weak smiles on their faces. 

"How's he doing?" Sam asked, taking a seat next to Derek. 

Stiles sighed, running a hand over his face. "He should have at least woken up by now. I'm worried that I missed something."

"Stiles, he was getting his ass handed to him before fighting that Alpha. From what you've told us, they didn't seem like normal werewolves." Bucky pulled Stiles into a hug. 

"From these files, I fear that's the case." Stiles held the tablet out to Bucky. "It doesn't shock me, but Hydra was using werewolves to test supersoldier serum on. And I learned a long time ago that werewolves fought have fought in all of history's wars." 

Stiles watched Bucky read the file, his face twisting more with every moment. "I haven't been able to figure out why they're testing on them because it's not like Derek isn't as strong or stronger than Steve and Bucky. I'm not sure what the point in enhancing them would be. Werewolves are hard enough to control." 

"Stiles, there's someone here asking for you," Steve walked into the room. "Said his name was Argent."

Stiles bolted from the room and through the compound to the front, where Natasha talked to a man Stiles thought was dead. "Chris." Chris Argent looked up at Stiles with a smile pulling the younger male into a hug. "I thought you were dead." Stiles cried. He was never the closest with Chris, but it was nice to see a familiar face from his past. 

"Almost. I didn't know you and Derek made it out either," Chris sighed. "Your dad is going to be so happy to see you." 

"My dad? Where is he?" Stiles' adrenaline kicked in the second his father was even mentioned.

"Safe. I had to make sure that it was you after seeing Derek on the news fighting with Earth's mightiest heroes." Chris explained. 

"Is there anyone else? You know what save me the heartache." Stiles took a deep breath. "Nat, can you and Clint go with Chris and bring my dad and whoever else is with him here? We all need to have a very long talk." 

"Of course. You need to go and talk to Tony. He'll want to know what's going on." Nat smiled at the boy she felt motherly towards. 

Stiles nodded and left them with a smile, almost skipping his way to find Tony in the lab. He thought everyone was dead. But there were far more important things for Stiles to worry about, but making sure his dad was as safe as possible would be a priority.

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