Second Years [Part 2]

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"Wait, wait, one more time," Derek said, holding out his hand for Stiles to stop his hand motion. Stiles smiled, setting his wand down on the desk.

"You're overthinking this. Magic is not something to overthink." Stiles chuckled, closing the book in front of Derek. "Just close your eyes, remember the motion in your head, and send that picture to your hand."

"It's not that easy." Derek sighed, running a hand through his hair in defeat. "The team is going to hate me."

"No, they aren't Derek. We have three days until our Charms test, and you're going to ace it. You just have to not be so hard on yourself. Magic is supposed to be fun; it's not meant to be a chore. So don't think of it as one." Stiles suggested.

"Yeah, but the problem is that I'm failing Transfiguration as well. I'm failing almost everything," Derek groaned. He leaned back on the bench, looking up into the sky of the courtyard. "If everything came as easy as Quidditch and Care of Magical Creatures, I wouldn't be having this problem."

"That's it!" Stiles exclaimed.

"What?" Derek asked, sitting up.

"Quidditch! That's how I'm going to teach you! Come on!" Stiles gather his books excitedly running for the training grounds. Derek not sure of what was going on followed behind the second year.

"What are we doing, Stiles?" Derek asked as they floated on their brooms.

"You're going to draw out the wand movements on your broom. Quidditch comes easy, so this will make everything else easy." Stiles smirked, holding the Quaffle in his arms.

"So, you want me to fly around aimlessly?" Derek was unamused.

"No, I want you to fly around in wand formations; while dodging Bludgers, scoring points with the Quaffle, and maybe chasing the Golden Snitch around a little." Stiles turned watching Derek's Quidditch team; his sisters, Scott and Issac, flew out onto the training grounds. "Once you've ingrained the spells needed for the test in your mind, we'll try them with a wand. Until then, Laura and Cora will be fighting you for the Snitch; your teammates will be trying to score against you with the Quaffle; all while Scott, Issac, and I will be hitting the Bludger at you." Stiles said proudly. He wasn't very good at Quidditch, but he could play well enough to run Derek around the pitch.

"You're kidding," Stiles quickly cut Derek off.

"Immobulus, quickly," Stiles waved Derek off as Madam Hootch let the Bludger out of the box, and he threw the Quaffle at the Hufflepuff team.

"Five minutes until the Snitch is loose! Better hurry, Derek!" Cora mocked her older brother taking a bat from Stiles' hands to hit the Bludger at him. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" She giggled.

"Come on, I wanna see if the new Hufflepuff players are any good," Laura gestured her head at the team. Cora grinned, following behind her Gryffindor sister.

Derek dodged the Bludger, sent his way, and glared at Stiles. "This isn't fair," Derek growled.

"Sure it is, you want to practice Quidditch, and you need to learn your Charms. I think it's a perfect solution to your problems." Stiles smirked. "Better get a move on. The charms test is two days away, and the Quidditch match is three. You won't be ready for either if you don't start flying."

Derek let out another growl in Stiles' direction before beginning to fly around in patterns.

"I told you it would work," Stiles smirked at Derek as they walked out of Charms two days later.

"Yeah, but Flitwick says that I still need to work on my wand work some more. But it was good enough to pass so that I can play!" Derek grinned, pulling Stiles into a hug. "Thank you, Stiles, your crazy way of tutoring me actually worked. I have practice, but you're coming to the game tomorrow, right? You're going to cheer me on?"

"Uh, sure," Stiles was unsure about going to the Quidditch match. It wasn't really where he'd spend his time if it were his choice.

"Please, Stiles. It's only fitting. I've come up with a few new moves that I think you'll like." Derek winked.

"Okay, but if you lose, I'm never going to another match," Stiles warned.

"Okay! I have to go!" Derek grinned brightly, hugging Stiles once again before running down the corridor.

"What was that about?" Issac asked, walking up next to Stiles.

"Uh, Derek wants me to watch the Quidditch match tomorrow." Stiles blushed.

"Ooo, someone's got a crush." Issac tease as they walked down the hall.

"No, I don't. I'm just shocked he wants me there so bad." Stiles shrugged.

"Mhmm, you know, you're about all he can talk about. He sits in the common room and does all of the stuff you tell him too. Drawing the wand motion with his quill, saying the spell repeatedly, making sure say each syllable." Issac nudged Stiles' elbow with his. "If you ask me, he's a little smitten with you too." Issac teased.

"Why are you making me stand over here with you?" Scott asked Stiles as he followed Issac to an empty bench in the Hufflepuff section.

"Because we're rooting for Hufflepuff today, so we don't have to sit with our houses." Stiles rolled his eyes.

"But I wanted to sit with–"

"Allison, I know." Stiles winked, pointing to the end of the bench. Allison sat with Laura, Derek's older sister chatting. "I know, so I asked Laura to convince Allison to sit with us."

"You know, you're the best friend a guy could ask for." Scott grinned, clapping his hand on Stiles' shoulder.

"Hurry, the match is about to begin!" Laura squealed. Stiles took the seat between her and Issac as the teams started to fly out on their brooms. "There's Derek!" Laura pointed to the front of the group, Derek's a Chaser. "Oh! There's Cora!" Cora set in the middle of the Slytherin team; she's the new Seeker of their team.

"You're excited to see your siblings compete, Laura." Stiles laughed.

"Well, we're always competing with each other. This is way more exciting because it's Cora's first official game as the Slytherin Seeker." Laura proudly grinned.

"It's a good thing you all play different positions, so the pressure is different," Issac commented. Laura is the Gryffindor Team Keeper; she's one of the best the house has had.

"It's starting!" Laura squealed once again, grabbing onto Stiles' arm.

No wonder she doesn't fall off her broom when she gets hit by the Bludger, she's got a death grip. Stiles thought to himself. The teams did one more fly around the pitch before meeting in the middle. Madam Hootch covered the rules, blowing her whistle, and letting the Bludger and the Quaffle out of the box.

The game went on for what felt like ever, Stiles could have studied for the next three years of Charms –and been able to ace the tests– in the amount of time it took. They all cheered as the Hufflepuff team took a victory lap around the stadium. Derek stopped in front of his cheerleaders; he winked at Stiles before flying off to join his team.

"What was that?" Allison asked, looking at Stiles.

"I have no idea." Stiles could feel his blush, not only burning his face but the rest of his body.

From that day on, things between Stiles and Derek were a little different. Stiles tried his best to avoid talking to Derek if it wasn't for tutoring him or working together in class. He was afraid that Derek might like him; he didn't want to get his heart broke. But the thought of Derek Hale liking Stiles Stilinski, made Stiles feel a way that he'd never felt before.

Stiles' second year at Hogwarts was exciting. But there were many more to come.

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