I Don't Need To Know [Ain't There Yet P2]

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I got a text about the dress that she was wearin'
That had you starin' last Friday night
Both of you in that corner booth
Sittin' so close
Just one shadow in the neon light
Everybody wanna tell me everything you're doin'
And shine a light on just how on you're movin'

From Lydia: You won't believe what she's wearing! It's like she's begging not only him but every other person here to stare at her! I mean this dress hardly covers anything!

To Lydia: Thank for the unwanted into Lyds. 

I rolled my eyes throwing my phone across the seat of the Jeep. I swear ever since Derek came back to town people just love telling me what he's doing, not that around half of it isn't already in the paper. 

The Beacon Hills Chronicle has a new article about something amazing that Derek's done every week. This week he's thrown a big charity event to help raise money for his little orphanage that he opened. It's like no one gives a damn that he left me without a word and now that he's back they have to shove it in my face. 

The worst part is he came back with her. Her being Breadon, of course. I should have seen it coming, every time she came to town she took up all of his time and it felt like I was invisible; if we ever fought and "broke-up" he would run to her. Honestly, I guess I set myself up for this, but we always fixed everything, or at least I thought we did.

I just wish everyone would stop telling me about every little thing Derek does.

But I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
Who's keepin' you company
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
So why is everybody tellin' me?

The only thing worse than my imagination
Is all of these third-party observations
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
Who's keepin' you company
I don't need to know, no, no

From Lydia: So you're going to hate me even more than you already do, but...

Lydia's text ended but the video she sent to me, damn near boiled my blood. The Derek I remember basically hated people, he loved his personal space, well aside from when it came to me, Derek couldn't keep his hands off of me. But one thing that Derek and I always fought about was going to parties, even the Beacon Hills County Sheriff's ball that we were invited to because of my dad. Derek refused to go out in front of a bunch of people dressed nicely and just sit there, don't even ask about getting him to dance; because that was pushing for him to almost wolf out in front everyone he'd get so angry.

Derek hated the idea of being dressed up like a snob just to impress people. He claimed it was because his mother always made him when he was younger and that he was always treated like a baby or something. He just doesn't like the way people act at events like that.

Yet there he is, dance around the Sheriff's ball with Breadon. Dressed in a fancy suit, hair did nice, shoes polished so much they shined every time light hit them, the whole mile. 

To me, that wasn't Derek. I guess it really proved to me that he moved on and it just shocked me how much he changed to do so.

A friend of a friend saw you dancin'
But you hate dancin'
Boy, what the hell?
Whatcha trying to prove?
Are you puttin' on a show
For whoever wants to watch?
On second thought
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
Who's keepin' you company
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
So why is everybody tellin' me?

"So why exactly where they invited?" I asked my father as we sat together eating breakfast the morning after the Sheriff's Ball.

"Because Breadon works with the Sheriff's department as a private investigator, that and they've done a lot for Beacon Hill's since they moved back," Dad said flipping the page of the paper. I eyed the front page story seeing a picture of Dad and Derek shaking hands.

"Why did you talk to him?" I said trying to hold back a growl. 

"Derek was given an award for how much he helps the sheriff's department with those "wild animal attacks". You know the award you used to get every year for the last four years." Dad rolled his eyes setting the paper down on the table.

"Help? All you have to do is tell me, Dad! After I graduated a lot of things changed, I started my own business, Derek left me, everything changed. Scott isn't here, he's still off at Vet school, sorry that I'm not a damn werewolf so I can't help you! So please continue to go and ask the man who broke my fucking heart for help! Continue to ask the sank that took the man of my dreams from me for help! Please do!" I yelled slamming my hands down on the table tears racing down my face.

"Stiles," Dad started.

"Don't!" I snapped. "Just don't. I see how it is." I walked out of Dad's house as fast as I could.

The only thing worse than my imagination
Is all of these third-party observations
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
Who's keepin' you company
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
What you don't know can't kill ya
So keep it to yourself now will ya?
What you don't know can't kill ya
So keep it to yourself now will ya?
'Cause I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
Who's keepin' you company
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
So why is everybody tellin' me?

"Thanks for letting me come and hang out for a couple of days Scott." I smiled sitting on Scott's couch with my backpack.

"No problem, it's been forever since we hung out anyways." Scott grinned throwing an arm around my shoulder. "So I heard that-"

"Let's not talk about that. It's kinda why I'm here. Please, I've heard enough about Derek Fucking Hale the Prince of Beacon Hills." I scuffed throwing my head back.

"I get it. Not a word from me about it. Let's just order a couple of pizza's and play video games until our eyes bleed." Scott laughed patting my shoulder.

"Sounds perfect!" I grinned. This is what I needed, time away from Beacon Hills, time with my best friend. Time away from Derek Fucking Hale.

'Cause I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
Who's keepin' you company
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
So why is everybody tellin' me?
The only thing worse than my imagination
Is all of these third-party observations
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
Who's keepin' you company
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know
I don't need to know

"Stiles you won't believe-"

"Lydia, I seriously don't need to know."

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