My Valentine

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[Okay everyone! Happy Valentine's day! Just a heads up if you didn't know, this is part 1 of a collaboration that I did with imasamm part 2 is on her page! Thank you for reading!]

"Derek, he's going to love it," Scott told me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"What if he doesn't?" I asked, feeling panic well inside of me.

"Derek, Stiles is going to love this, because it's coming from you. Now you better get moving, or he's going to question you about being late." Scott smiled, slapping my shoulder and pushing me over to the Camaro.

I sighed, running a hand over my face as I drove to Stiles' dad's house. I had never been so nervous about stepping foot into that house in my life, hell, half of the time; I was climbing through the window without the damn Sheriff knowing I was sneaking into his sons' room. I pulled up to the curb outside of the house seeing the Sheriff's cruiser parked outside along with Stiles Jeep. The Sheriff would be leaving soon for his shift; I wouldn't have to worry about slipping up in front of him. I rested my head onto the steering wheel, trying to calm my nerves.

I jumped at a knock, ringing across the window of the Camaro. I looked up, seeing Stiles staring at me with a smile on his face. "You okay?" He asked, knowing I could hear him perfectly though the window.

I nodded my head, pulling the keys from the ignition and climbing out of my car. "Yeah, sorry. I was drained after the Wendigo last week." I told Stiles, kissing his cheek as he gave me a side hug.

"Have all of your wounds healed? Deaton said it might take a little longer than normal since it was an Alpha Wendigo." Stiles said, trying to move my leather jacket and lift my shirt so he could check my abdomen.

I swatted at his hands, trying to push my shirt back down. For Stiles being an average human, sometimes it felt like he had werewolf strength when he wanted something wrong enough. "Stiles, can you not pull my shirt up in the middle of the street," I grumbled, grabbing his hands in mine when he had my shirt up to my mid-chest.

"Well, if you wouldn't have just sat out here in your car, I would be doing this inside," Stiles rolled his eyes, pulling me behind him into the house as the Sheriff was leaving.

"I won't be back until late tomorrow. Don't have too much fun, you two." The Sheriff smiled at us when he passed up on the porch. He slowed when passing me to wink at me with a smirk that Stiles didn't notice. I smiled back before following Stiles into the house.

"So I ordered pizza, and I made cookies. I figured we could cuddle in bed and watch movies or something." Stiles said, holding a cookie in front of my face. "Your favorite, chocolate chip." I grinned, taking a bite from the cookie in his hand.

"Whatever you want, baby." I grinned, pecking his cheek.


I blinked the next morning when the sun started peaking through the curtains of Stiles' bedroom. I lifted my phone from the bedside table, seeing that it was 7:30, I had to get moving to have everything perfect for Stiles. Slowly I climb out of bed; thankfully, Stiles was sprawled out on the other side of the bed and not on top of me for once. I pulled my clothing on quickly before heading for the window; I don't think I'll be able to sneak out of the door.

"Where are you going?" Stiles asked. I turned, seeing that he wasn't looking at me, he was still half asleep.

"I need to pee. I'll be back in a minute." I whispered, kissing his forehead. I quickly opened the bedroom door, waiting for a moment before closing it once again. I picked up the giant teddy bear I got Stiles for his birthday, placing it on the bed in my place. It 's covered in my cologne, so I doubt he'll know the difference when he's this tired. He tried watching all of the Star Wars movies last night; he didn't make it through the fifth.

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