Avengers [Part 5]

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Stiles sighed as he sat up in the bed, blinking as he looked around, realizing that he was in the lab, Bruce, and Tony sleeping in chairs, looking far too uncomfortable. He soon noticed the wires and tubes hooked to his arms and chest, scratching at the back of his head to try and figure out why he was like this. Upon scratching, he remembered as he felt stitches in the back of his head and noticed the ones on his left arm; he was sure there were others around his body as well. 

Stiles let out a yawn, questioning how long he had been out for. The room was mostly dark, but that didn't answer him; it could be days after the incident, for all he knew. Stiles looked to his left and right, noticing Steve and Bucky also asleep uncomfortably in chairs. He hesitated before poking Bucky's cheek, wondering if he was truly the correct super-soldier to try and wake up. 

Bucky stirred instantly, making eye contact with Stiles, nearly jumping from his seat to hug the younger boy. "Wow, okay, please don't crush me right now," Stiles whispered, trying not to wake the other three Avengers. 

"How do you feel? I need to wake up Tony; he'll kill me if I don't." Bucky turned to wake the genius when Stiles grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the hug. Bucky sighed as he hugged the kid again, happy he was finally awake. "Stiles, I've been so worried." 

"I'm okay. How long was I out? Where's Derek?" Stiles asked, knowing that Derek was surely losing his shit right now. Stiles also knew that Derek probably said some very hurtful things to their friends, and Stiles would be sure to slap some sense into the Sourwolf.

"Almost two days," Bucky sighed. He wasn't sure how to explain the Derek situation to Stiles without the kid wanting to rush to him as quickly as possible. "Derek's been locked in his room. Tony said he could sit with you, but some things happened. So Clint talked to him, and he hasn't left." 

"Of course he has," Stiles ran his hand through his hair, giving Bucky a sad smile. "I can only imagine what he said to you. I'm sorry. You'd think after almost two years here; he'd have learned that shit happens." 

"It's okay, but I should wake Tony. I know you want to go and check on Derek, and he's not going to let you do so without making sure everything's okay." Stiles nodded, and Bucky turned to shake the man awake along with Bruce. Stiles slowly poked Steve's cheek now, wishing that it was Steve's other set of cheeks.

The men began to stir, noticing Stiles sitting up in his bed and smiling at them. "Anyone going to clear me so I can go and shout at a werewolf?" Stiles grinned he Steve pulled him into a hug. "Okay, I seriously don't need to be crushed right now." He patted Steve's back, and the super-soldier released him, only to be pulled into a hug by Tony and Bruce. 

"I'm never letting you leave this lab again," Tony sighed.

"Please do, I like being a research assistant, but field time is nice. This was just unlucky." Stiles weakly smiled, looking at the men around him. He cared for them all so much, and it was nice to know that they cared just as much. 

"Well, you're free to leave now. Take it easy, your rips are bruised, and that bullet wound in your leg is going to take a while to heal," Bruce stated, resting a hand on Stiles' shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay."

"I'll be careful. Bucky," Stiles smiled, looking to his favorite super-soldier, "I require a lift." 

"Only because I feel bad," Bucky smirked, picking Stiles up bridal style. 

"To my room, noble steed!" Stiles exclaimed. 

"Don't push it."


Stiles stood outside of the room he shared with Derek, trying to decide what he would say to the wolf. He wanted to yell at him, but he also wanted to hug him and tell him that everything would be okay. Stiles' best option was to go in and see the state Derek was in; then, he could figure everything else out from there. 

The door scanned his finger and unlocked, letting Stiles push the door open and find Derek sitting on the floor in front of the couch; Star Wars flashed on the TV screen. "He must be upset if he's watching Star Wars. He hates watching it with me." Stiles thought to himself. He slowly walked towards the wolf, realizing that he was asleep once Stiles sat on the couch above him. 

Stiles smiled, brushing Derek's bangs out of his face, causing the wolf to stir. "Hey, Sourwolf," Stiles grinned, watching Derek's green eyes flutter open. 

"Stiles," Derek gasped, jumping up to pull Stiles into his arms. 

"Wow there, easy on the hug," Stiles laughed, pushing his face into Derek's neck. 

"I was so worried," Derek muttered, easing up on the hug.

"I'm fine, Derek, but you aren't." Stiles pulled out of the hug and looked at the wolf. "What happened? Why would you blow up on everyone? It's not like they're the ones who attacked us. I don't even want to know what you said to Steve and Bucky, but you need to make things right with everyone." Stiles sighed; he could see the guilt and pain in Derek's eyes.

"Are you happy here?" Derek asked, looking away from Stiles.

"Of course I am. Are you?" Stiles had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going.

"Sometimes," Derek shrugged.

"Care to explain?" Derek shook his head at Stiles' question. "How about the two of us order food and watch a movie together? Tomorrow we can talk." Stiles smiled, tilting Derek's head up to look at him.

Derek nodded, having a hard time finding the words he was looking for. He bit his lip, looking into Stiles' eyes before knowing exactly how to express what he wanted to say. Derek grabbed the back of Stiles' neck and pulled their faces together, and placed a gentle kiss on the human's lips.

The End.  

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