New Dog, Old Tricks

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"There's fresh meat in town boys." Stiles chuckled sitting down at the table his friends were at for lunch.

"Fresh meat? Stiles, you're an omega you shouldn't be talking like that." Scott growled slapping the back of his friends head.

"Scott, you know I'm kidding. A new family just moved into town though, well back, the Hales, dad says they live out in the middle of the woods." Stiles huffed taking a bite out of his apple.

"And you're going to stay away from them. Just like you do everyone in town." Issac says stealing Stiles fries from his tray.

"Yeah, I know. New dogs, old tricks, right? It's always the same thing. I'll be locked up all week next week anyway. You don't have to worry about me." Stiles glared Issac down knowing he wasn't going to eat the fries anyway, they were always cold.

"I think we need to lock you up tomorrow, you're giving off way more scent than normal," Scott said pinching his nose.

"Scott's right, even I can smell it. I wonder if it's-" Issac cut himself off as three people walked through the doors of the lunchroom. "Is that them?" 

Stiles turned to look to the doors finding two sisters and their brother looking over the room. Their eyes landed on Stiles and he bit the inside of his cheek. "I need to go now," Stiles whispered as Scott already had him up and was going the opposite direction.

"Mr. Stilinski, Mr. McCall, where do you think you're going?" A teacher asked trying to stop the pair.

"To see my father," Stiles said pushing past the teacher. He was now in a dead sprint, there were at least five people running after him, Scott was one of them, the teacher was another, the other three had to be the Hales. Stiles was through the school, out into the parking lot and into his Jeep in record time with Scott almost not making it into the Jeep as Stiles was racing away from the school.

"We have to go to see your dad first. If you go straight home they'll know where you live." Scott warned.

"They're going to know anyway. Scott, I can smell myself. I smell like I'm asking to be dicked down or something. There is no stopping them from following me no matter what, it's not like everyone in town doesn't know where the sheriff lives. I'm one of the only omega in town, I know you stupid alphas have a map and our houses are marked on it." Stiles growled ready to push Scott out of his Jeep.

"I guess you have a point." Scott sighed. "They're following us." He looked through his mirror seeing a black Camaro behind them.

"I know that. That's why you're going to call Deaton and have him meet us at my house. We have to make the line." Stiles sighed looking through his rearview mirror glaring at the Camaro. His was no how he wanted his Friday to go. 

"Are you sure that's a good thing? I mean Deaton's always said that if you start smelling like this it's time for you to mate. One of them has to be your mate." Scott gave Stiles a worried look.

"I know that. My body might think it's ready, but I'm not." Stiles growled flooring his Jeep. He felt like he was on fire, this feeling made him want to vomit.

"Stiles you need to slow down or you're going to drive past-" Scott was cut off by Stiles slamming on the breaks almost throwing the Alpha through the windshield. Stiles was out of his Jeep and across the mountain ash line Deaton was waiting to close. Scott sighed turning off the Jeep and throwing to keys to Stiles who was breathing heavily. 

"I'll make sure he gets settled in. You go talk with the sheriff," Deaton told Scott while following Stiles inside. Scott growled wanting to punch something, he thought about Stiles Jeep for half a second before knowing Stiles would break through that mountain ash line if he dared lay a finger on Stiles Jeep.

"You're Scott McCall right?" Scott's eyes blazed red as he turned to find the newest werewolves in town.

"Possibly," Scott answered.

"You don't have to give us those True Alpha eyes you know. We aren't here to kill anyone." The younger girl said rolling her eyes.

"Then what are you here for?"  Scott scuffed.

"Stiles of course." The older girl chuckled.

"Laura you make it sound like we're here to kill him." The brother sighed. "I get it, Stiles is your best friend and omega, you'll do whatever it takes to protect him. But I'm not like other Alphas." 

"New dog, old tricks." Scott laughed. "Everyone has always said the same thing. You aren't the first to come after Stiles, he never has the reaction they're looking for." Scott looked to his second home seeing Stiles standing in his bedroom window. He was listening to their conversation, Scott knew what he was thinking. This one was different, from the way that Stiles ran, the way he smells, this one was different.

"What reaction do they normally get? Because when omega runs from Alpha's, one they've never met, it means their in heat and it's a different heat than normal. It means they're ready and that their mate is close." The Alpha growled. Scott growled back not standing down.

"Doesn't matter. If he isn't ready, you can't have him. Stiles isn't just going to give himself to you. You're going to have to prove yourself, omega can reject their Alpha's." Scott snapped. Fear grew in the Alpha Hale's eyes backing down slowly. 

"When he's ready to talk, send him my way would you? I'd at least like to talk with him before he makes his decision." The Alpha looked to his sisters who quickly got into the Camaro waiting for their brother.

"I'll be sure to let him know. Remember his father is the sheriff, don't cause any trouble." Scott said before Hale siblings drove away.

"Scott?" He turned to find his best friend leaning out of his front door. "Thank you." Stiles smiled before ducking back into his house quickly. Scott chuckled to himself. 

"New dog, old tricks. But this will be the one dog that has a few new ones." 

Part 2?

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