Moon Crystal [ Dare Part 4]

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"So are you going to ask him when he gets back?" Erica asked Derek nudging his shoulder to make sure he was listening. 

"Ask who what?" Derek asked not paying attention to her. 

"Are you going to ask Stiles to be your boyfriend when he gets back?" Laura, Derek's older sister asked. 

"Stiles and I haven't said a word to each other in almost two months. Why would I ask him to be my boyfriend?" Derek snapped glaring at his sister and best friend. 

"Because before he went on vacation with his dad you two went on like two dates." Cora, Derek's younger sister, now stepped into the conversation. "And you were cute together, duh."  

"Yes, and then he left without notice," Derek growled. He felt like he was being cornered. 

"Incorrect my son. Stiles told you the day before he left. You're forgetting the part where Stiles only found out that morning himself that they were going on this vacation." 

"You've got to be kidding me," Derek whispered to himself when his mother entered the conversation. "What is this some kind of intervention? Fuck oh dear." 

The women in Derek's life continued to hound into him. They continued to tell him to stop being so mad about Stiles leaving on a vacation that he, himself knew nothing about until the day before. Talia insisted her son needed to grow a pair and stop acting like a child about all of it. 

"What did I just walk into?" The voice was almost hard to hear over all of the women talking. They all turned and the room was quiet seeing the very different looking Stiles standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Is there something on my face? Why are you looking at me like you've seen a ghost? Wait, those aren't real too, right?"

"You've..." Erica wasn't sure how to continue.

"Changed." Laura finished Erica's thought. 

"Have I?" Stiles asked turning to Derek who turned away from him. Stiles was shocked at Derek's reaction to seeing him, what happened?

"You've filled out Stiles and your hair grew. You look very nice." Talia smiled at the boy, slamming her heeling into her son's foot beneath the table. She turned to Derek giving him a glare as to not be rude. 

Derek scuffed through the pain in his foot. Cora growled at her older brother jabbing her claws into his side. "Stop being a prick. He's your best friend, who you are in love with by the way." She sneered at her brother.

"Girls, why don't we give the boys a minute alone? We need to set up for the party anyways." Talia smiled, giving another death glare at her son.

"Party?" Stiles asked before the girls could get too far.

"Yeah, our end of summer party, it's tomorrow. You have to come, Batman, you'll love it." Erica exclaimed.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Stiles smiled letting the girls leave the kitchen. 

The two sat in a very awkward silence before Stiles set a small box down on the counter in front of Derek. "I found this when we were walking around one day. I thought of you when I saw it." Stiles whispered not looking in Derek's direction. "You can throw it out if you want. I'm not really sure what I did, but I'm sorry Derek. I thought we were getting really close, but I went it messed it up. Just like I did with Scott." Stiles quickly made his way to the door of the Hale household. 

"My dad got offered a job in Oregon, he's thinking about taking it. There's a college there with a really good forensics program, they offered me a scholarship. I already accepted it. If dad takes the job, I won't finish school in Beacon Hills. I thought you would like to know." Stiles whispered letting out a small sob. He opened the door slamming it behind him as he ran to his Jeep.

"What the hell did you do?" Erica shouted. "You're just going to let him go like that? You aren't going to chase after him?" Derek didn't answer Erica as he stared at the box that Stiles placed in front of him. 

"You better fix this Derek." 


It was hours later when Derek opened the box. He had spent half of the day being ridiculed by most of his family and friends. Once everyone seemed to have said their peace, they continued the rest of the day by growling, glaring, and sneering at Derek. To say the least, they weren't happy.

When Derek finally worked up the nerve and the heart to open the wooden box, he wasn't expecting what he found. Inside was a wolf head, carved out of wood and what Derek believed was a type of moon crystal. Moon crystals were rare, they didn't come from the moon, but with different phases of the moon, the crystal would glow differently. On a full moon, it glows it's brightest, with a new moon, it is dark as the moonless sky. Wolves used them to help track the moon, many gave them as gifts to their loved ones and mates. 

"Odd to find a moon crystal." Derek nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of his uncle Peter's voice. "Though, most are found in the Pacific North West. Amazing that little human found one." Peter took the carving out of Derek's hand examining it.

"It's attached to what looks to be a very old Redwood root. Two very rare and old pieces of the earth. Do you realize what you have here Derek?" Peter asked looking to the younger boy. "You have a gift of love. Redwoods are some of the oldest and strongest trees out there. They have a lot of history. Moon crystals are something that our kind value because of what they can do. As you know, we give them to our mates. It looks to me that the human figured it out and felt the connection before you did." Peter set the carving down in the wooden box in came from and left the room without another word. 

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