Party [Dare Part 5]

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"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" Stiles asked, looking between Erica and Cora. They were forcing him to go to the Hale End of Summer Party; apparently, Talia said that Stiles had to come to the party. Stiles wasn't about to tell no to Talia, not only was she a terrifying woman but an Alpha werewolf that Stiles was not about to be on the wrong side of.

"Yes! Fuck Derek! He can be a lonely jackass all he wants, but everyone else wants you there. You're going, Stiles." Cora exclaimed, slamming her hands down on Stiles' shoulders, proceeding to shake him.

"Okay! Okay, Cora, I get the idea!" Stiles laughed, trying to fight against her werewolf strength.

"Great! Now, Laura dropped us off, so you have to drive us home." Erica grinned, picking up Stiles keys. "Can I drive?" She giggled.

"NO! The last time I let you drive the Jeep, you almost killed us!" Stiles snapped, snatching the keys from Erica. "Get in the Jeep before I change my mind." He pointed to the door. The girls laughed, walking out of the house. Stiles sighed, leaving a note for his dad before following the pair.

"So who, all is going to be there?" Stiles asked, driving down the road. He looked to Cora, hoping that she would most likely lie to him about who would be there; he had a feeling that he already knew.

"Mostly family, a few people from outside of the pack, but no one that you don't already know," Cora answered, cutting Erica off before she could answer.

"I had a feeling." Stiles sighed. He knew exactly what that answer meant.


Stiles felt like he didn't belong at this party, he felt like he didn't belong at any party, but this was so much worse. All around him were people who he once had a connection with, but somehow it all fell apart. Scott was standing with Allison talking to Talia, that was a relationship that was never going to be fixed. Lydia was talking with Cora and Laura, not that Stiles didn't have an okay relationship with Lydia; it just wasn't the same after Scott dropped Stiles. Derek was in the corner talking with his family, and well, Stiles wasn't sure what was going on with that, but he was sure it was over.

"Are you going to sit in the corner the whole time?" Stiles looked up from his red solo cup to find Issac standing in front of him.

"Yep." Stiles nodded, moving over on the small bench for Issac to sit with him.

"You aren't going even to try and talk to him?" Issac asked, looking in Derek's general direction.

"Nope." Stiles sighed.

"Are you going to keep answering me with single words?" Issac rolled his eyes, shoving gently at Stiles' shoulder.

"No," Stiles started, "Issac, I'm leaving tomorrow. I thought that when I told Derek yesterday that he would run after me, do something, but he did nothing. That tells me he doesn't care. So what am I expected to do? Sit around and wait for Derek to pull his head out of his ass?"

"No, you aren't. Stiles, I know this is going to hurt, but leaving might be the only thing that will make Derek realize that he needs you in his life." Issac sighed, resting a hand on Stiles' knee.

"I know. I'm not going to get my hopes up; I've done that too many times. If he cares, then he cares, if not; then I'll treat him like everyone else that's done the same thing to me." Stiles wanted to feel proud about that statement, but it was hard, Derek was different, he wasn't just Stiles' best friend, Derek held Stiles' heart; that was making leaving harder than anything else had Stiles has ever done in his life.

"Do it. But, don't forget about the people who still care, okay?" Issac smiled, patting Stiles' knee.

"I won't. Tell everyone I'm sorry, but I'm going to head home and finish packing. Dad wanted to hit the road tonight if possible." Stiles gave Issac a light smile before scanning the yard once again, with a sigh Stiles left the Hale house.


"Has anyone seen Stiles?" Cora asked, looking around the now mostly empty yard.

"Yeah, he left hours ago. He went home to finish packing. His dad wanted to hit the road tonight." Issac answered, leaning against the house.

"What? Why didn't he say anything?" Cora looked almost panicked, hearing Issac's words.

"What's going on?" Derek asked, walking into the yard seeing everyone standing there.

"Stiles left." Talia sighed.

"And?" Derek snorted. "It's not like he lives here or anything, he can leave when he wants."

"You don't fucking get it!" Cora shouted at him.

"Wow, what's got our claws in a twist?" Derek stepped back, seeing the anger growing in his sister.

"YOU! You're so stupid, Derek! He told you yesterday! Stiles warned you! Since you're too stupid to figure it out yourself, I'll spell it out for you! Stiles is gone, FOREVER! He's leaving Beacon Hills and not coming back! Because of you!" Cora screamed at her brother, ready to claw him if Laura and Peter weren't holding her back.

"Why would he leave because of me?" The whole yard sighed with Derek's question.

"He left because he thinks that you don't care about him, Derek. He wanted you to chase after him yesterday and convince him not to leave! You've ignored him for two months because you're too full of yourself to see what everyone else sees!" Erica snapped from Boyd's arms.

"He's in love, you, idiot. You love him too, but you're too stupid to admit it to yourself. I wish we'd never talked you into talking to him. Stiles wouldn't be heartbroken and leaving." Issac growled in Derek's direction before walking out of the yard.


"Are you sure you have everything?" The sheriff asked his son, looking over their empty home.

"Yeah, there's nothing left here. Nothing at all." Stiles sighed, looking at his childhood home. It would be here if he ever came back. They were renting it out to a family friend; if Stiles ever wanted to go home, it would be there for him. But Stiles felt like he never wanted to come back again.

"Let's get a move on. We'll cross the border in no time." His father smiled, patting Stiles' shoulder.

"Yeah." Stiles weakly smiled, climbing into his Jeep. Plugging his phone into the stereo, he turned all of his calls off so he could have music the whole way to his new home. No one that he wanted to call him would be anyways. 

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