Same Dog, Never Ending Tricks [Part 3]

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Stiles stretched, watching Deaton clear the mountain ash line from around the house. 

Three weeks. 

Stiles had been stuck at home for three weeks. His scent had finally died, and his body was no longer screaming at him. Stiles could finally go out in the world again and return to school to spend time with his friends. Finally, have conversations with people without a magical barrier between them. He couldn't wait to talk to one person in particular. 

As Stiles stepped out of the broken ash line, Scott consumed his best friend in his arms. "Fuck, I have missed you." Scott groans.

"Missed you too, Scoot." Stiles laughed, returning his best friend's hug. "So, fill me in. What have I missed?"

Scott laughs as they climb into Stiles' Jeep. "I filled you in on everything two days ago. You know you'd have been the first to hear if anything happened in this town. Between your dad, me, Lydia, and a certain alpha wolf who practically lived on the outside of the mountain ash line, I don't think you would have missed anything."

Stiles scoffs, "Said alpha wolf hasn't been seen in days, thank you very much." Scott nearly flinched at the glower Stiles stared him down with. "Looks like he lost interest in the end." 

"Stiles," Scott started. He knew Derek Hale hadn't been around the Stilinski house much in the last week. He grits his teeth at the thought of Stiles' heart being toyed with; everyone had started to like Derek and believed that he was the one for Stiles until no one had seen him in days. 

"Don't, Scott." Stiles snapped. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, the worn leather and plastic groaning under his hands. "I've said it a million times, I don't need a mate, nor do I need one. I have enough alpha holes in my life."

"I resent that." 

"Oh, don't act like– Holy fuck!" Stiles slams his foot on the break and turns the steering wheel, sending the Jeep skidding sideways to avoid the person standing in the road. The duo shares a confused look, trying to understand what had happened. 

"Was that?" Scott cranes his neck to look behind them.

"He's about to wish I hit him with my jeep." Stiles snarls, jumping from the vehicle. He rounds the back of the Jeep, his heart pounding and his anger boiling over as he takes in the person standing on the road. Stiles knew it was him the second he swerved the Jeep around the Alpha; even only taking a half glance at him, Stiles knew the scent by heart.

"Are you fucking stupid? I don't give a fuck if you're essentially invincible; I almost hit you with my Jeep! Honestly, you would have done more damage to her. That's not the point." Stiles shakes his head. Get it together, Stiles. You don't have time for your thoughts to be all over the place. Bitch him out and get on with your life. 

"Who the fuck just walks out in the middle of the road like that? If you've got a death wish, say so! I know plenty of people who would love to take a shot at you right now."

Stiles hears a growl from next to him when Derek takes a step closer to him. "Don't even think about it," Scott growls. "You were warned before that you would only have one chance. You used it."

"Let me–" Stiles holds up his hand, stopping Derek.

"You knew what I wanted. I told you everything about myself. You got the chance no one else ever got and threw it away. I thought you were everything I had been holding out for." Stiles turned away from the Alpha, climbing back into his Jeep.

"We'll be late if we don't get going, Scott." 



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