Who's Party Is This?

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"Derek, are you sure about this?" Stiles asked, picking at the nice dress shirt Derek's stylist placed him in. He felt like he was dressed far too nice and nowhere near dressed up enough.

"Yes, it's just a party, Stiles, not the red carpet," Derek chuckled, fixing the collar on his shirt. Derek smirked at Stiles through the mirror, watching as he fused with the cuff of his own shirt. "We don't have to go if you don't want to, but I promise that you'll have way more fun at the party than sitting here watching movies."

"But we were meant to be watching Marvel movies all weekend! I haven't watched a single episode of WandaVision because you've been off with your famous friends and made me swear not to watch it without you." Stiles grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest like a small child. "I just want to refresh everything before Falcon, and The Winter Soldier comes out." 

"We can watch them all week while I'm on break from filming Stiles; it's just one party that I promised I would show up at. Even if it's just popping in to say hi, but I know once we get there, you won't be able to contain yourself, and we'll be there all night." Derek huffed, grabbed their coats, and began to walk out the door, leaving Stiles to pout in their apartment. Derek refused to tell Stiles who he'd been working with since he started acting; he always made him wait to find out. Most of the time, he was sworn to secrecy, and if he dared tell a soul, well bye bye Derek. 

Derek started the car and sat waiting for Stiles to stomp his way out of the apartment; it was only a few short moments before Stiles grumpily sat down next to Derek in the car. "Let's get this over with," Stiles sighed.

"You do realize that this is how my life is now, right? Going to parties and premieres. I wouldn't make you didn't do anything that I know you won't enjoy; you know that, right?" Derek sighed, starting their journey. 

"I know. I just– I thought we had a plan for your time off. You've been away for months, and I've just been here in our apartment, trying not to miss you as much as I feel." Stiles stared out the window, watching the city lights pass by. He liked the city; it was nice to finally be out of Beacon Hills and do something he loved. But sometimes, he just wanted the person he loved to be with him a little more often. 

"I know, Sti, but I promise, this party will make up for me being gone so much. Then, I'm all yours for the rest of my time off.  My phone will be off and locked in a drawer and everything." Derek grabbed Stiles' hand and kissed the back of it. The rest of the journey was quiet, only the soft music in the background. 

"There's a lot of people here," Stiles gasped as Derek pulled into the large mansion. "Wait, so do I get to know what you've been working on finally? Because this seems big enough for me to finally know if we're at this big of a party." 

"Come and find out." Derek grinned, climbing out of the car. He waved at a few producers as he waited for Stiles to join him. Grabbing Stiles' hand proudly, he escorted him through the crowds of people, many of who he didn't know.

"This is crazy, Derek; I didn't think you were in on anything big enough to bring us to something like this. Who's place is this?" Stiles asked, trying not to trip as he followed Derek. 

"That would be me," Stiles' eyes snapped up to where the voice came from, and he about fell to the ground in tears. "Derek, nice to see you. This must be Stiles; heard a lot about you, kid." 

"Robert Downey JR. Derek, that's RDJ, I–" Stiles couldn't stop looking between Derek and a man that he looked up to very much. Stiles was having difficulty stopping himself from humiliating himself, let alone Derek, in front of some as famous as RDJ.

"Robert, thank you again. This is amazing. Is everyone else here?" Derek smiled, shaking Robert's hand. 

"Yeah, down the hall to the left. You said he talked more; should I be worried?" Robert asked, gesturing to Stiles. 

"No!" Stiles exclaimed, "Sorry, no, I'm just well star struck. Iron Man is one of my favorite superheroes, and you're a legend. It's an honor to meet you." Stiles smiled, squeezing Derek's hand in a death grip. 

"Don't worry about it. Derek's a pleasure to work with, and he never stops talking about you, so I thought it was about time we met you." Robert chuckled. "Oh, I see someone I have to talk to; you go have fun." With another famous smile, Robert was happily greeting another guest. 

"What in the fuck." Stiles gasped out, looking at Derek. "Marvel, are you working for Marvel?" 

Derek laughed, pecking Stiles' cheek. As he pulled him down the hall, Robert pointed out to find the others. Instantly Derek could hear many familiar laughs and voices, and as they rounded the corner, a chorus of greetings sounded off. "Derek, about damn time! Get over here and tell Chris he's wrong!" 

Wanting to join his costars, Derek was stopped when Stiles didn't begin to follow him further into the room. "So, does this make up for us missing a few hours of our movie marathon?" Derek asked, turning to Stiles with a smile. 

"Yes, yes, YES!" Stiles shouted, jumping on Derek in a hug. "Holy shit, you work for Marvel! Derek, this is nuts!" 

"You weren't lying when you said he and Tom would get along swimmingly." A female voice laughed from beside them. Stiles peered over Derek's head, seeing a beautiful redhead standing next to them. 

"Is it okay if I faint? Because I just might. This isn't happening." Stiles clung to Derek, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to stand on his own much longer. 

"Let's sit you down because I feel like you forgot to take your meds this morning." Derek laughed, giving Scarlet a hug as she led them to the couch. Being an amazing boyfriend, Derek made sure to sit Stiles down next to two of his favorite people, Sebastian Stan and Chris Evens.

"D-Derek," Stiles started. He wasn't ready for Derek to leave his side, not with all of these people he idolized and had massive crushes on around him. 

"So, you're the hyperactive genius boyfriend that Derek tells us so much about," Stiles wanted to die when the voice came from next to him. 

"I'm sorry, I just," Stiles couldn't answer as he looked between not only the two men seated on either side of him but everyone else around the room. "Okay, I'm good. I can die happy now." 

"Wow there, just because we play superheroes doesn't mean we can actually save you," Chris laughed. All that ran through Stiles' head when Chris spoke to him was 'America's Ass'  was sitting inches away from him.

"Let's change the subject; Derek said you're a writer. What do you write?" Sebastian asked. 

Fanfiction about you. Stiles thought to himself. "Um, I try to stick with fantasy, but where that ends up, I never know. It's all still a dream, you know? I work in a bookstore, so it takes up a lot of my time. You know, Derek wanting to act, I had to wait on the whole writing thing, so we were able to stay on our feet." Why did he say that? He wasn't trying to make it seem like he had any clue what it was like to be in their shoes. 

"Hey, don't worry about it. I think you'll be able to make your dream happen now. Derek's got all kinds of eyes on him now." Stiles' attention turned to Elizabeth Olson, who was smiling brightly at him. 

"I'm fine with sitting on the back burner, you know? Now that I'm in on the big secret, well, not the whole thing, but I get to meet all of the people Derek's become friends with. I'm happy if he's happy." Stiles smiled, glancing over to Derek, who was laughing with Tom Holland. 

"He's lucky to have you." Chris smiled. "He speaks the world of you. I swear any time he wasn't in a scene; he was checking to see if you'd texted him." Stiles blushed at the comment. He felt like the lucky one. 

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