Ain't There Yet

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"Come on, Stiles, you can't just lay there all the time. It's time to get out into the world again. You're never going to feel better just hiding away in this loft." Lydia said, opening the oversized curtains and pulling the comforter off of my body.

"I've let you lay there for two weeks; now I'm tired of taking care of you like a child." She scolded me, beginning to dig through the closet for a set of clothing.

"Then stop. I never asked for you to take care of me, Lydia." I snapped as a pair of jeans were thrown in my face.

"No, if I didn't try and help you, you would let yourself waste away. Sorry, but I'm not letting my best friend become someone he isn't." Lydia sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I can't lose another friend Stiles, not because of something this stupid."

"I didn't know Derek leaving me without a word was stupid," I grumbled, covering my face with a pillow and turning away from her.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it." Lydia fought the pillow away from me. "Get up. We're going out for breakfast in twenty minutes, and if you aren't ready, I'm forcing you into the car no matter how you're dressed." She chucked the pillow to the other side of the bedroom and left without a second thought.

It ain't like I don't know what to do
'Cause I've been here a time or two
It's what you do when you break up
Cut your hair, fix your makeup
Put it all in the past with his things in the trash
Done with that

I ran a hand through my wet hair, trying to make it sit the way I wanted. Lydia was right; I couldn't sit here forever; I needed to fix myself up and get over this. But I know I'm not there.

Picking up my razor, I did a quick shave to bring my horrible looking beard into an okay looking stubble look. Looking at myself in the mirror, I groaned, knowing this was how Derek always kept his beard. "Lydia is just going to have to wait a little longer. I'm not going out like this." I grumbled, beginning to clean shave my face. Once finished, I fixed my hair once again before walking down to the living room, where Lydia sat on the couch, waiting.

"Took you long enough. I was nice enough to wait another five minutes." She smirked up at me. "Well, at least you made yourself decent."

"Thanks, Lyds, you're so nice." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my keys and phone from the bar. "Are you ready? I'm hungry." I said, walking to the door, hopping to her feet, Lydia quickly followed.

But I ain't there yet
Too soon to forget
Got a couple tears left
To cry and replay your goodbye in my mind
I bet
When you're out of my head
I'll have no regrets
I'll be as good as gone and moving on
But I ain't there yet
I'll take my time
And feel every sting
I'm gonna get it all out
So I can start over clean
So there'll be no reminiscing
No late-night call, I miss ya
It'll be in the past with your things in the trash
Ain't lookin' back

"Can't we go somewhere else?" I asked Lydia looking at the diner.

"No, Stiles, they make your favorite chocolate chip pancakes, and this is the only place you'll get curly fries. So no, we can't go somewhere else." She snapped, climbing out of the Jeep. Lydia didn't even look back to make sure I was following her; she knew I would follow.

I sighed slowly following behind Lydia, Derek, and I would always come to the diner, at all times of the day and night. This was out date spot; we even went for no reason. If one of us couldn't sleep, we'd drive around for a while before coming here. I guess that this was our place, but I can't let that affect the rest of my life. I love the food here, the people, and it's not like I only came here with Derek, I ate here with my friends, with my dad, there are other memories here, I just have to push Derek's aside and remember that.

"Good morning Stiles, how are you feeling?" The host greeted me. I only smiled at her as I walked to the table where Lydia was sitting, thankfully she didn't sit where Derek and I used too.

"Are you mute now?" Lydia asked, looking over her menu.

"No. I'm not." I rolled my eyes, grabbing the menu in front of me, knowing what I was going to order. It never changed, I always got the same thing, chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon and sausage, a cup of hot chocolate seeing as I can't have coffee.

"Then why didn't you say hi to her?" Lydia rested her menu on the table with a sigh.

"I don't know, mom, because I'm still trying to figure out how to act in public after my boyfriend left me out of the blue. It's hard to be here without him; it's hard to be anywhere in this town without Derek. I'm not over him yet, Lyds, and I don't know when I'm going to be, but I know I'm not there yet." I sighed out, trying to keep my anger on the lower end. I wasn't trying to blow up in front of so many people who I know, I didn't want to do that to Lydia, myself, but mostly my dad. Enough has been going around about Derek leaving, and dad's been taking so much heat for it, everyone asks him about it, and I feel horrible because of it.

But I ain't there yet
Too soon to forget
Got a couple tears left
To cry and replay your goodbye in my mind
I bet
When you're out of my head
I'll have no regrets
I'll be as good as gone and moving on
But I ain't there yet
Look, I'm just trying be honest
I'm letting it hurt
'Cause I know one day, someday, I'll be okay

I only managed to let Lydia get my out for breakfast. We drove around for a little while after, but it just started to hurt too much again. I wanted it to hurt, I do. If it hurts, then I know it's real, I know that Derek left me and that he probably isn't coming back. I know that it's going to take me a very long time to fix myself, but I want it to hurt until I feel fixed.

But I ain't there yet
Too soon to forget
Got a couple tears left
To cry and replay your goodbye in my mind
I bet
When you're out of my head
I'll have no regrets
I'll be as good as gone and moving on
But I ain't there yet

"Did you know about this?" I heard my dad ask from the living room. I looked at him through the entryway of the kitchen, trying to see what he was talking about. It's been around six months since Derek left, I'm starting to feel better.

"What dad?" I asked, quickly washing my hands and grabbing a towel to dry them with before walking over to him.

"This," Dad held the Beacon Hills Chronicle out to me to look at.

Derek Hale Returns to Beacon Hills With A Mission

Derek Hale, who grew up in Beacon Hills, has been through a lot in his lifetime in our small town, but he's come home once again with a mission. Derek's mission is to help kids who have been through hardships like himself. He's rebuilding his old family home and turning it into a home for children. But he isn't doing it alone-

I shook my head as I folded the paper and set it down. "You're the sheriff, and you're saying that you didn't know?" I turned away from my dad to wipe a tear from my eye.

"I heard a rumor that he was in town, but when I tried to track him down, I couldn't find him. Stiles, I'll force him to leave if you want. I'll say that he isn't allowed in Beacon Hills if it will help." Dad said, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"No, no, I'll live. He's doing something good. It's oka dad." I smiled. "I better get back to making breakfast, or we'll be eating dinner instead." I moved to the kitchen, going to the cutting board with vegetables waiting on it.

Yep, it still hurts.

Too soon to forget
Got a couple tears left
To cry and replay your goodbye in my mind
I bet
When you're out of my head
I'll have no regrets
I'll be as good as gone and moving on
But I ain't there yet
No, I ain't there yet
Oh, I ain't there yet
Oh no, I ain't there yet
No, no, no
No, I ain't there yet
I ain't there yet
But I ain't there yet

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