Blue Eyes

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"Stiles! Stiles, wake up!" He couldn't, Stiles felt cold, scared, and most of all like death. He was barely breathing his heart rate was so slow it was close to stopping, he was bleeding from multiple places on his body. Stiles was dying. 

"Scott you have to do something! He's going to do!" Was that Derek? The voices were muffled but he could still make out what they were saying. "Scott, I can't lose him! I never got to tell him! Please, Scott!" Tell him? What was so important?

The voices were gone after that and Stiles felt a surge of energy run through his body. He felt warm, no longer did his heart beat slowly, his breathing was normal, he wasn't bleeding. What happened? Where was he? Did Stiles die? 

"His hand moved." The voice wasn't clear, but it didn't have to be for Stiles to know it. The voice belonged to Derek, though he was a Sourwolf, Stiles couldn't help but love him, not that Derek knew that. 

"You said that three days ago and he didn't wake up." That was Scott, someone sounds a little grumpy. 

"This time I'm sure Scott. If the bite didn't take then he would already be dead."  The bite? Dead? What happened? Okay, Stiles, it's time to open your eyes. Ready? What was that? You didn't even try, come on Stiles, wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP!

Stiles gasped sitting up on the bed he was laying in. He blinked looking down at the white seats of the hospital bed. He looked at his hands counting his fingers to see if he was dreaming, he wasn't. He raised his head looking up to find Scott and Derek standing next to his bed shock covered their faces. 

"What in the hell is going on?" Stiles chocked out.

"You were dying..." Derek trailed off. 

"And we saved you." Scot finished with a weak smile on his face. 

"How?" Stiles asked. 

"I might have given you the bite." Scott scratched at the back of his neck. They all knew how much Stiles didn't want the bite, but Scott wasn't going to let his best friend die.

"Cool. How long have I been out?" Stiles stretched his arms over his head feeling the bones in his back pop. 

"Sorry what?" Derek asked confused.

"How long have I been out for? Did I stutter?" Stiles rose a brow, did he sound different or something?

"You're just okay with being a werewolf now? No questions of objections asked?" Scott gave his friend a concerned look. "You've been out for a week to answer your question. You missed the full moon."

"I was dying, right? I don't expect you guys to just let me die. I honestly wasn't ready to die, way too many things I haven't done yet. Wow, I missed my first moon, that sucks." Stiles shrugged looking at the pair standing beside him. "When can I leave? Either the two of you haven't showered in the week I've been here, or I still smell like my own blood and dirt." His scenes were starting to kick into overdrive now and Stiles was sure he was going to get a headache from it.

"That would be you. Mom said we couldn't stay if we were still covered in blood. I'll get her to discharge you." Scott said before leaving the room. 

"Jump in the shower. I'll go grab the duffle bag from the Camaro, we forgot to bring it in." Derek pointed to the door on the other side of the room. 

"You aren't going to make sure I don't fall and hurt myself?" Stiles smirked.

"No Stiles, you're perfectly fine. All of your injuries healed the day after we brought you here. If I was that worried, I wouldn't even let you sit up." Derek rolled his eyes. He moved to leave the room.

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