Chapter 38: Never Letting Go

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Your POV*

I run my hand through Brandon's hair and his hands move from my waist to my face. He cups my cheeks and his rings feel cold against my skin. He pulls away slowly looking at me apologetically.

"Y/n..." he murmurs.

"I- I'm sorry..." I say backing away from him.

"No no it's okay... I just don't want to be someone's rebound..." He frowns and I nod.

"Let's get you somewhere too rest...yeah?" He says and I smile.

"Yeah Ima need somewhere to stay."

Jackson's POV*

I lay on my bed and text Lily to come back so we can sort out all of the misunderstandings.


"Hey Jackson!" Lily says happily over the phone and I smile.

"Hey Lily...So in a few weeks I am moving to California."

"Really?...OMG I will finally get to see you?!" she squeals and I look out the window. There is no way that y/n can actually love me like that right? I just don't think it's possible...should I try?

"Yeah...yeah you will." I say blankly.

"So wait are you getting a place?" she questions.


"So it will be like ours?"

"I um-"

"I am so excited Jackson! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She says and my heart sinks. I didn't agree. We aren't even dating... I wish it was for y/n but I guess I can get to know Lily more and forget all about my first love. She- I will always love her.

"Ha ha yeah well I want to get settled in first."

"Of course! Yeah so I have to go but I am so happy you have no idea!" She squeals and hangs up. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. 


That phone call in the forest while they were at the cliff*


"Hey it looks like your getting MARRIED?" She yells and I look back hoping y/n can't see all of this."

"Lily... we were not dating. All I said was that I was going to come back to see you. Not for you to move in. You assumed that. I'm sorry I didn't clear things up with you. I truly am. Wait how'd you even know?"

"It's a small world love. I have my ways." She giggles and I clench my fist and roll my eyes.

"I know who she is too. So let's just say...that you either break up with her or I break her little heart. It would be a shame to know that her first love would end up betraying her."

"You wouldn't-"

" Ah ah ah.. I would be careful. All it takes is one call. So I advise that you slowly fall out of love with her or at least pretend too. So it looks believable."

" I can't-"

"you have a week."


" One week." She says and hangs up.

Flashback ends*

I hear the front door open and a knock on my door.

"Come in Lily."

" So why the change of heart ?"

" No I have no change in heart. I just want to clear up somethings with you." I say pressing the record button on my phone secretly.

"Okay so tell me then." she sits on the bed and I lay my back against the headboard.

"We never dated."

"Well we were talking."

"That was it...right?"


" I never promised you this house and we never got involved in that way right?"

"Yes Jackson... I'm sorry. I was just jealous....Can we- Do you think we can start fresh?" She says while looking down at her shoes.


"No. We can't I love y/n and she will always be the love of my life. I am sorry for saying that in a harsh tone I just need you to understand that." I look at her and she doesn't break eye contact. I need her to know I am not kidding.

"O- Okay..." Her eyes water and I pass her a tissue.

"You will find someone that will love you okay?" I say softly.

"Okay...tell y/n I'm sorry."

" I will... I think you should go though."

"Yeah your right... see you around."

"Bye." I say flatly and she was as gone as quick as she came.

I save the recording and smile to myself.

I will have you again y/n and I promise this time I will never let go.

"Only You" a Jackson Passaglia FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora