Chapter 65: All Resolved

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"I guess I should keep talking then."

Your POV*

"Hey Jackson and Y/n." Gia smiles.

"Hey." I say forcing a smile and Jackson wraps his arm around me.

"Hey Gia how's my Dad?" He asks and she looks down at my waist and back up at him.

"Spectacular." She says in an annoyed tone.

"That's good to hear." Jackson replies and we walk in the room.

" Hello Ms. Clearwater, and I suppose you are... The famous y/n that my boy is obsessed with." Mr. Passaglia smiles.

" Oh now I know where you get your sarcasm from now Jackson." I smile brightly.

"- and yes I am your sons fiance." I walk over to shake his hand and he raises his brow.

" Well it is a pleasure to meet you." He smiles genuinely. 

"Likewise Mr. Passaglia." I say and look over to Jackson and Gia whos faces are shocked.

"Why do you guys look shocked?" Mr. Passaglia says to them.

"- well I admit that I didn't like you at first."

" That's an understatement." Jackson mutters.

" It's not my place to judge or control my son's love life and my wife agrees." They both nod and I feel a sense of relief.

" What changed? " Jackson asked.

" Your mother and I had a conversation. She told me some things and that's the end of it."

" Thank you." I smile and walk over to Jackson give him a hug.

"Hey... I'm sorry." Gia whispers looking down at her feet then back at me.

" Thanks for apologizing. I forgive you but don't ever touch him again." I snap and she nods.

Jackson rolls his eyes and squeezes me tighter.

" I thought you said you weren't jealous." He whispers in my ear.

" I'm protective." I mumble annoyed.

" 'Protective' " He says mockingly.

" Don't make me shut you up." I hiss.

" I guess I should keep talking then." He smirks.

"Do you guys need a room?" Gia scowls, but then laughs.

"No." I said flatly moving away from Jackson's grip.

" I am so happy you guys are safe and sound, but Jackson and I have to head home." I say sympathetically and they nod. We say our good byes and I start to walk out the empty hall way.

" Is Mrs. Passaglia upset that I'm right." He says behind me.

" I'm not 'Mrs. Passaglia.'and your not right." I narrow my eyes at him and he has an amused expression.

" Keep telling yourself that darling." He says letting the last word linger and I smile.

" Your right I am jealous. " I 'admit' and stride towards him and his expression is priceless.

" Is that what you want to hear?" I murmur hooking  my arms around his neck leaving only inches apart from us.

" I like when that pretty little mouth of yours admits that your wrong." He says inching closer.

"Oh is that so ?" I smirk and pull away completely.

"-Well too bad because I'm always right." I say triumphantly and he groans.


We drive to the airport with my parents and Jackson is acting as salty as ever.

" Are you seriously upset about that." I ask grabbing our tickets.

"No." He says flatly snatching his ticket from my hand.

" Your so mature." I roll my eyes and I earn a scoff from him.

" Your one too talk." He snaps and before I can retort back we are with my parents.

We board our plane and head to LA. Once we get there we decide that they'll drive us over to our house. I sit in the back with Jackson and he has his arms crossed.

"Jackson." I whisper and he keeps looking out the window.

" Baby please." I say frustrated.

"What y/n." He says flatly. I put my hand on his leg and he look down at it and back at me.

"I'm sorry." I say genuinely and he looks into my eyes.

" Alright." He huffs and I scoot closer to him and I see a smile appear on his face.


A/N: I love them so much bye.

"Only You" a Jackson Passaglia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now