Chapter 58: Collide

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"You what?"

Jackson's POV*

" What is so special about her?" Gia scowls and rolls her eyes.

"Everything." I smile ignoring her face.

"Like?" She says leaning against the bench.

" She's just beautiful inside and out." I say and she raises a brow.

" I just love everything about her even the parts that she's insecure about. I love how she can be so stubborn and mean, but she's also so gentle you know. She accepts every part of me. Even the toxic parts, but sometimes I think she likes that too-"

"We all love a little toxicity, but go on." She smiles and I chuckle.

"Her smile and her laugh which she always tries to hide with her hand. Her voice especially in the mornings when she barely wakes up. Even the little things Gia. The way her hands run through my hair when we kiss, the small smiles and whispers in between." I continue now looking at Gia.

"Now she's gone. I really don't deserve her." I sigh.

"I- I am so sorry..." She says her once dominant voice now small in the quietness of this hallway.

"It's my fault... I should have pushed you away as soon as you came near me." I say feeling angry with myself. 

"Well... I shouldn't have taken your phone or went near you." She says quickly.

"You what?!" I say standing up.

"I'm sorry Jack-"

"No give it back now. " I roar and she hands it back.

" I'm sorry Jack-" She starts to say but I walk off.

Y/n will never come back.

The only reason she'll ever speak to me is to break up with me.

I am so stupid.

If I lose her... I'll never love again ever.

Yes there's pretty girls but there will never be another y/n.

Panic starts to rise up in me as I walk out side. 

Will she ever be mine again?

Will she ever forgive me?

Will she ever love me again ?

A variety of emotions pile on me. 

One second my breathing is erratic and the next second my fist is collided with the wall.

A/N: I love you guys ;) ( I HAD IT READY LAST NIGHT I'M SORRY)

"Only You" a Jackson Passaglia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now