Chapter 53: A Mess

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Jackson's POV*

"I'm sorry... I just..I just need a second." I say my voice wobbly.

I push the door roughly and walk out feeling the cold breeze hit my skin. I run my hands through my hair and lean against the wall.

Please God don't take him yet... I'm not ready.

I inhale sharply not knowing how to handle this. Part of me want to break down and scream. The other part of me is numb and wants to stay that way. The result of a chaotic mess that is now me. I hear y/n's heels clack against the pavement and she approaches me slowly.

" Jackson? " She says softly and look away.

" Love I'm here do you need me?" she says reaching for my hand and I pull it away quickly.

Your POV*

He's trapped... in a slew of emotions.

" Jackson please don't shut down. Let me help you." I say and he responds with silence.

" Okay I'm going to give you space." I say turning.

" No stay." He demands and I turn back to face him.

" Leave."He says and I furrow my brows.

"What is it that you want?" I question.

" I don't know y/n!" he snaps.

" I understand you're upset but-"

" I am beyond upset Y/L/S" He says roughly.

"y/l/s ? Since when do you call me by my last name?" I snap back and he says nothing.

" Answer me!" I snap and walk up to him looking up at his silver his eyes. He rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw looking away.

"Fine! Next time you ask me to answer you I'm going to treat you the exact same way!" I yell creating distance between us and he looks back at me.

" Oh is that so." He coos rolling his tongue against his cheek.

" Don't play games with me Passaglia. " I say through gritted teeth and he smiles leaning against the wall looking at me from head to toe.

"Come here." He says signalling me with his fingers.

" No Jackson." I say crossing my arms.

" Now..." He hisses and I walk up to him.

" What ?" I scoff.

"There she is." he smirks.


"My good girl." He says lowly and my eyes widen. He pulls me in by waist and I feel my face heat up.

" Look at me darling... there's no need to be shy." He says amused closing the space between us. He leans down kissing me slowly. My eyes flutter close and I wrap my arms around his neck.

" Jackson... we need to talk." I say pulling away.

"Yes but not now." He whispers.

"The sooner the better." 

" Just a couple more minutes..." He murmurs and I nod.

A/N: Thoughts on toxic Jackson?

"Only You" a Jackson Passaglia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now