Chapter 29: You Make it so Hard

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Jackson's POV*
Y/n's face lights up and my heart flutters.
"Yes Jackson a thousand times yes." She says as she jumps on me. I fall back and she follows. We start laughing and she kisses me. I feel the warmth of her lips and I put my hand underneath her jaw pulling her closer. She pulls away and sits up on me. I bite my lip resisting the urge to pull her back.
"You are my fiancé ." She says in an elegant tone and smiles.
"Uh huh soon you'll be Mrs. Passaglia." I say and she repeats.
"Mrs. Passaglia..." she looks in the distance and  slowly a grin appears. We sit in silence and I gaze at her. The sun from the window graciously shines on her face. I am so lucky to have her.

Your Pov*
I look down at Jackson and he has his arms crossed behind his head. His lips curl up into a smile and I giggle getting butterflies. The sun glows on his face and I admire every detail. The shine of his wet hair, his grayish eyes that he says are hazel but I think he's color blind, the tip of his nose, and his vibrant pink lips. I brush my thumb against his bottom lip.

Jackson's POV*
This action sends me back to the first time she did it when we decided to leave Oregon. My heart stirs and I close my eyes in remembrance.

"I love you."  She says softly barely audible.
"I love you too." I say squeezing her thighs.she puts her hands on mine and gives me a look.
"You make it so hard..." She says squeezing my hands.
"Oh you think I make it hard just look at you..." I say lowly looking up at her then back down. She throws her head back and I start to sit up but her phone rings. I sigh and lean back on my hands.
"Hello." She says nervously so I rub her thigh in reassurance.She smiles at me and mouths mom so I know who it is.

Your POV*

"Hi I haven't heard from you in a while." She sighs.
" I know it's been so busy. I'm sorry for not calling you sooner." I say feeling guilty
"It's okay I just want a relationship with you...I know you're upset with me and you have every reason to be I just-"
" Mom... I'm not mad. I'm just hurt...I want a relationship with you too. I really need a mom especially in moments like these."
"What moments?" She questions .
" I am getting married..."
" you're what-" she gasps.

"Only You" a Jackson Passaglia FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα