Chapter 66: Wedding plans

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Your POV*

" Okay honey this is your stop. Do you want me to come around tomorrow to talk about the wedding?" Laura asks.

"Yes of course." I say embracing her in a hug.
We all say our good-byes, and split ways.

"I really like them." Jackson smiles.

"Me too." I sigh and he turns around going towards the house.

" Hey where are you going." I smirk.

"The house...obviously." He rolls his eyes and I pull him over to me.

"What do yo-" He starts to say but I stop him by connecting my lips with his. He deepens the kiss slightly and then smiles.

" So are you still going to be grumpy?" I raise a brow and his smile widens.

"Nope." He says grabbing my hand as we walk inside.

"It feels like years since we've been here but it's been like what a couple days?" I huff.

"Something like that yeah." He mutters and walks over to the couch exhausted. He closes his eyes and
I admire his features.

" Take a picture darling it'll last longer." He grins and I blush.

"I wasn't staring." I scoff.

"Liar." He says opening his eyes and looking at me.

"Am not." I say crossing my arms.

"What are you ? Four?" He says chuckling.

" For your information I'm actually 3." I say in a matter-of-fact-tone.

"Oh shut it." He smiles and I walk over to him.


Jackson's POV*

"Someone's calling." She says and I pull her closer under the covers.

"Ignore it." I whisper.

"What if it's important."

"Well they'll come breaking down the door."

"Jackson!" She giggles.

"Please just stay." I mumble

"Okay five more minutes." She says cuddling against me.

"Thank you." She whispers against my chest.


"Being here...all the time." She murmurs.

"Of course love." I say caressing her back.

Her y/e/c eyes look up at me and I beam at her.

" I am so in love with you." I say out loud and her eyes widen.

"I love you too Jackson more than words can describe." She smiles and I cup her cheek kissing her softly. Her hand goes through my hair and the familiar feeling of butterflies come back. I deepen the kiss and she tugs at my hair. I squeeze her waist and go down to kiss her neck lovingly. She throws her head back a bit and I smile against her skin.

Her phone dings again.

And again.

Anddddd again.

She groans in frustration and pulls away.

She reaches over to get her phone and looks down at it annoyed.

"Oh it's my Mom she wants to talk about the wedding plans." She says her eyes lighting up and I smile.

" yes yes yes." She says excitedly and I pull her in for one last kiss before we get up.
Your POV*

" Okay so I have a couple themes." Laura says pulling up a variety of wedding flower, cakes,dresses you name it she has it.

" That's gorgeous." I say looking at the Snow White wedding dress.

" it is." My mom smiles and we spend the rest of our afternoon looking at my future wedding.

A/N: When she starts to refer her as "Mom". :)))

"Only You" a Jackson Passaglia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now