Chapter 37: Heartbreaker

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Jackson POV*

"Sierra" Lily says and the grin in her face widens while y/n's does the complete opposite. She looks at me and I look into her beautiful y/e/c eyes. The eyes that I can stare into forever. The eyes that held so much emotion whether it was happiness or despair. The eyes that belong to this now broken girl. The girl that I broke.

" I always thought... you were the one who would hold me together. That you were the glue that held all the broken pieces in place...Bu-" She says her voice shaky. 

"I am... I still am!" I say tears forming in my eyes. I walk up to her and she doesn't take her eyes off of me. A tears rolls down her cheek and I put up my hand too wipe it away but she hits it.

"Don't touch me!" she yells.

"Y/n where are you going?" I say my voice filled with concern and worry.

"Away from you." she says calmly walking out and I follow.

"Please I need you to understand that I-"

"I need space."




"Come any closer and I'll blind you." She says while walking out the door and slamming it behind her. I run my hands through my hair and I feel like I'm having a hard attack.The pain in my chest grows and I sob into my hands.

"She's finally gon-" I hear lily's footsteps.

"Get out-"

"But Jack-"

"Get. OUT." I say in a harsh tone and she looks down at me.

"This was supposed to be mine not hers. You promised me Jackson. You told me over the phone and when my mom told me you were getting married?!. Just imagine how I felt! Oh yeah your feeling it all right now." She got closer to my face and looked straight in my soul.

"Do my sister and I a favor...stay away far away." she snapped as she walked out. 

Your POV*

I have this adrenaline that is pumping through my veins. I don't feel like crying. I feel numb... of course something like this would happen. The person I love the most would turn my world upside down. 

I run out as soon as I shut the door . I don't know where to go but that is when I spot it. Brandon's car. I see him open the door and I run into his arms.

"I had a bad feeling..." He whispered while wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. I looked up at him and gazed at his emerald green eyes.My heart was racing and that's when I decided. I grabbed his jaw and pulled him into a kiss.

A/N: HEY! I hope you liked this chapter LOL.

Do you guys like Brandon ???

I love you guys! and psst...There might be a new book coming out right after this one is done ;)

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