Chapter 56: I don't care

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" But I want you to be with me."

Your POV*

"Thank you." I smile at the uber and start to inch closer to the door. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself before I head inside. I walk into the bright hospital and go to the front desk.

"Hi I was wondering If I can visit my father-in-law." I say smiling to myself and looking at my ring.

"Name and ID please." She says quickly and I give it to her.

"It will be a while but you can go and wait in the hall way." She says and I turn around nodding.

I start to head towards the dim hall way. I search my bag trying to find my phone, when I finally find it . I look up and I wish I hadn't. 

"Jackson?" I say barely a whisper. I feel paralyzed and rooted to the ground unable to move. The girl holds his jaw in her hand and he doesn't push her away. She sees me and my heart sunk deeper than it ever has before. She looks back at him with a smirk and kisses him. He grabs her waist and pushes away. He backs up looking in my direction and I shatter into a million pieces.

My lip trembles and tears are threatening to pour but I refuse to cry in front of him. I stand still allowing the numbness to wash over me. He runs over to me and I am too frozen to move.

" Baby I-"

"Shhh." I say not looking at him.

"W- what?"

" I don't care, and you obviously don't either. You didn't even text back. The only way I was able to get here was tracking your location. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get here ?" I say finally looking at him.

"What do you mean you don't care." He says his voice trembling.

" I came to support and be strong for you. It was ALL FOR YOU! "  I yell and I see the girl inch closer.

"Back off, this isn't any of your business." I hiss and she rolls her eyes.

" His dad hates you...he doesn't even want you to be with him. He wants Jackson here-" She smirks looking at him up and down. "-to be with me...not you." She says her voice filled with venom.

I give her no reaction.

"Shut up." Jackson snaps and she giggles.

"But I want you to be with me." He say looking at me with sincerity.

" You say that like it means something." I respond and he winces at my words.

" It does y/n." He says and I laugh out of disbelief.

"Please. You have clearly proven yourself wrong." I snap and start to walk off.

A/N: How ya'll feeling? What do you think y/n should do ?

"Only You" a Jackson Passaglia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now