Chapter 21 : "Don't miss me to much."

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Your POV*

"y/n...I know it's early and I know we're young but-" he hesitates.

"Jackson you can tell  me anything." I hold his hand and he looks up at me and I see fear flash in his eyes.

"I will tell you over dinner?"

"You literally just left me on open." I laugh.

"Nooo I just want to tell you in a certain way." He half smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say Passaglia." I playfully hit him and he winks at me.

We go inside and settle in. We decide to hang out for a few hours when I notice that he is getting ready. I walk up the stairs, down the hall way and lean on the door frame.

"And where do you think your going?" I give him a look.

"I totally forgot to tell you I wanted to meet up with Abdel." He says as he puts on his Iconic black turtleneck over his head.

"Dressed like that?" I say waving my hand over his outfit.

"Why is it bad?" he looks down at himself.

"No... It's one of my favorite outfits on you." I smile and he laughs relieved.

"I'll see you later okay? Don't miss me too much." He pulls me in for one long kiss until he's out the door. We are always together so it feels weird without him here. I decide I want to go out with one of my friends...but there all in Oregon. I did make that one friend here, her name is Ava and she actually lives around this area. I pull out my phone and text her to see if she wants to link and if not I'll just stay here and watch a movie or something.

Jackson's POV*

I get in my car and head over to Abdel's house to pick him up. He is waiting outside when I pull up to him.

"Hey Bro I'm here!" I shout as I roll down my window. He waves and sits on the passenger seat.

"Hey I haven't seen a lot of you since you've been in what shall I call it simp nation." He says with a taunting smirk.

" You are acting as if you are not a simp yourself.." I say sarcastically.

"I am not." He crosses his arms.

"Okay Okay Okay."

"So where are we going? you told me to dress nice so here I am." 

"Well...I know I'm young but Abdel she is the one." I smile and look down.

"Woah bro are you sure..." he looks at me seriously.

"Yes I am...I have never been so sure in my life." I look at him with an equal amount of seriousness.

"Okay I support already know this." 

"Okay well I got her this." I pull out a box and open it to reveal a diamond ring.Not just any diamond ring but this one has little butterflies around the ring.

"WOAH!" Abdel's eyes light up.

"I hope she likes it." I laugh and close the box to put in the glove department.

"She'll love it."

"Well I want you to be my best man and to celebrate we can go to this party at Oscar's house."

"I am honored... and I thought you didn't like Oscar?" Abdel questions

"I do just not in that moment when he literally checked out y/n in front of me I swear I was literally going to-"

"Okay! she's yours bro there is no need to worry." He puts his hand on my back and we go to the party.

Your POV*

"Hey y/n!" I smile as I hear her voice on the other line.

"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out since I live here now."

"Yes bro I miss you so much I am actually getting ready to go to a party."


"Yeah do you want to come?"

"Hmm yeah why not."

"Okay for sure I'll pick you up in like 30 minutes?"

"Yeah sounds good. I'll see you then"

"Okay bye see you." she says and I hang up.

I text Jackson that I'm heading out but I get no response after a couple minutes which is not like him.

Jackson's POV*

I finish my soda and I start to go to greet people when I suddenly feel dizzy.

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