12| Come On, Have Some Fun!

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Stepping out of the car that Hunter had bought a couple of months ago, Sebastian wondered why Captain Singh had sent him here. He wasn't a police officer or a detective, he was only a CSI. But whatever, this was a chance to spend time with Hunter, so he'd take it. The two walked over to a truck to see the person that had called in.

The man looked up from where he was sitting next to the broken-down truck. The man didn't look that bad. His clothes were ripped, his body stained with dirt, and he seemed like he'd been injured, but otherwise okay. The truck on the other hand was completely on its side, it had black charred marks around a big hole on the side of the truck, the back door had been completely ripped off, and it looked like several things had been taken.

"Hello, sir, I'm Detective Hunter Clarington, and you are?" Hunter said, calmly.

The man looked at them. "From the CCPD? I'm Tucker Scott, I work at the bank and I had to do a trade-off between the bank and museum last night." His eyes landed on Sebastian. "Who are you?"

Sebastian gave a quick look to Hunter before answering. "I'm Barry Sebastian Allen-Smythe, the forensic scientist. You may call me Sebastian or Barry or even Mr. Allen or Mr.Smythe. The detective will ask the questions, I'm going to take a look around." He pulled out his gloves and put them on as he walked over to the truck, leaving Hunter with Tucker alone. He recognized these charrings, they were from Weather Wizard's powers. He took a look at what had been stolen. They're always after something of high value.

Hunter watched Sebastian walk away to examine the truck, and turned back to Tucker. "Well, Mr. Scott, I'd like to ask you a couple of questions," He said, leading Tucker over to a set of lawn chairs that'd had been left outside. "Please have a seat, Mr. Scott. Now, can you explain the night's events to me?"

Tucker took his seat and said, "Tucker."

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry?" he asked.

"You can call me Tucker. Mr. Scott makes me feel old and I'm only thirty- two."

Hunter nodded. "I'm sorry. Now, would you explain the night's events to me?"

Tucker took a deep breath. "I was driving alone with the money for the museum when I saw a big flash of lightning. The next thing I know is that the truck has flipped on its side and my ankle was stuck. I managed to get free and then I saw a man walking towards me and he knocked me out."

Hunter wrote down everything and then asked Tucker a couple more questions. He saw Sebastian walking over to them. "Thank you for your time, Tucker Scott," Hunter said.

Tucker nodded. "Of course," He said and turned to look at Sebastian. "So did you find anything, Sebastian?"

Sebastian composed himself before speaking, "Yes, I think I have an idea on who did it." He held up a bag of evidence. "I got some evidence and fingerprints as well."

"That's great! Thank you, I wish you luck on catching the thief." Tucker shifted his feet. "I need a ride home," He mentioned.

Hunter nodded. "Come with us back to the station and we can have that arranged, Tucker," He said and helped the man from his seat. He turned to Sebastian. "Do not take that to Star Labs, not until we are sure of everything and need more help, okay?"

Sebastian nodded and walked back to the car with the two. "Am I driving?" He asked Hunter.

Hunter scoffed. "Like I'd let you behind the wheel of my beautiful car."

"Get over yourself, Clarington."

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Get in the car."

The two got in the car and drove back to the CCPD to have Tucker's ride arranged and to look at the evidence that Sebastian had gathered.

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