11| Is This Really the Future of Us?

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Splat. Oliver was going to go splat if Sebastian did not show up within the next several seconds. Oliver had been fighting Weather Wizard, when the creep had pushed him off the roof they'd fought on. He heard screaming next to him and turned to see Weather Wizard falling, he remembered that he'd managed to grab onto the only thing there. "Flash isn't here to save you," Weather Wizard taunted, then he took control of the winds and flew away.

Oliver closed his eyes and silently thought of his life. His dad's death, Lian Yu, every battle, meeting Barry, Barry fighting him, and a million more thoughts like them.

He felt someone with leather wrap their arms around him, and suddenly, he was sitting in the med bay at Star Labs with Caitlin walking in, not surprised to see him there. She looked him over and then typed information into her computer. "You're going to be fine, Oliver. I think you're in shock, but there is a small scrape on the left side of your face, but it should be fine in a couple of days," She said turning to face him. "If Sebastian hadn't caught you..."

Oliver looked up, only now realizing that Sebastian had just saved his life. "So, it was Sebastian, right? Not Wally?" He asked.

Caitlin gave him a soft smile. "You can see for yourself, Oliver, I'll send him in," She said and left the med bay. Oliver laid his head down and reached his hand up to touch the small bandage Cailtin had applied to his face, it hurt.

None too soon, a raging Sebastian stormed through the door still in his Flash suit. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, OLIVER JONAS QUEEN?" He raged. Oliver noticed that the team had been watching and they slowly backed away.

Oliver took a deep breath. "What do you mean, Sebastian?

Sebastian looked at him with anger and... Care? "I'm talking about the fact, that you went in without any backup on standby! If Cisco hadn't called me, you'd be dead! There are people in this world that want you alive, Oliver. Felicity, Digg, Team Flash, and... Me." Sebastian stared at Oliver hard; Oliver noticed that the streak of blue had grown several shades darker. He looked up and realized what Sebastian had just said.

"You care about me?" Oliver said quietly. "I thought Hunter..."

Sebastian cut him off, "Hunter doesn't like you, but he doesn't want you dead. I have to care about you, Ollie, it's my job." He laid a hand on the medical bed. "Don't go thinking I like you because Barry did." Did!? Oliver realized that Sebastian had just called him Ollie. Sebastian cleared his throat. "I promised Barry many years ago that I'd look out for his friends, I didn't make good on that promise last time, but I will now."

Oliver stared at him. "What?" He whispered.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Don't think much of it, Queen, I need to go." He started to walk out of the room before he turned back around. "Oh, and, Oliver? The next time you need help? Take someone with you because I might not be there to save your ass." Then he was gone.

Oliver got up out of the medical bed and walked out of the room. The team sat silently in the cortex. Cisco looked up at him. "Hey, dude, how goes it?"

Oliver gave him a rare smile which turned into a grimace. "I'm alright, Cisco. Sebastian seems to be lurking around Star Labs lately," He said, reaching for his bow. "I'm going to go shoot for a bit." He found a training dummy and set it up. Arrow after arrow he shot into the dummy, anger boiled inside of him, but with it a whole load of pain from Barry kissing Hunter to Sebastian demanding that he leave. Eventually, he ran out of arrows and just straight up started punching the dummy.

"Oliver, we need to talk to you." Felicity's voice came through his thoughts. "I also think you've killed that dummy so many times that it has no chance of survival."

Hidden Away Until Now (Barry Allen is Sebastian Smythe)Where stories live. Discover now