19| An Uneven Aftermath

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It had been at least a week since Sebastian and Hunter had broken up, and Sebastian had been colder than ever. He was so frozen under that mask he'd been putting up, that Oliver begged Cisco to hurry up and finish the antidote. It was also coming to the time when Hunter was leaving Central City, which was going to make Sebastian retreat into himself, even more, putting up an even colder demeanor.  Cisco had been putting hours into the antidote and now here he was, sitting in his lab, closing in on the final steps to it. Caitlin, Oliver, and the rest of the team, minus Sebastian, were upstairs, anticipating Cisco to crack the serum in the next couple of minutes., which he did.

Once he managed to figure out one of the components, it was smooth sailing from there. When he finally managed to crack it, he cheered and patted himself on the back, before placing the serum in his secret vault. He ran upstairs to the cortex and shouted out loud to the team, "I did it, I cracked the antidote!"

They all smiled so hugely that their faces hurt. Oliver and Joe slapped him on the back, while the girls hugged him, and Digg, well, Digg nodded to Cisco before clearing his throat. "Good job, Cisco. Now, Oliver, Lyla asked me to head back to Starling tonight, to help out Thea and Roy."

Oliver nodded, continuing his smile. "That sounds good, Digg. You should go, Thea and Roy will need all the help they can get," He said.

Digg left a moment later, leaving his luck with the team. If only it were ever that easy.

Oliver knew that Sebastian was breaking, and the further they let this go, the more Barry would have to fix Sebastian. Lord knows how long that would take.

Oliver turned to Felicity. "How fast can you call Sebastian?"

A small smirk appeared on Felicity's face before she answered, "Pretty fast, why?"

Oliver looked over at where Cisco, Iris, and Caitlin were talking. "Because I want to get Barry back as soon as possible. And I don't know how fast that antidote needs to work," he said.

Felicity smiled knowingly. "Of course, I'll get right on it." Her hands moving faster than lightning.


Sebastian watched from the couch as Hunter packed up his things. He loved Hunter, really he did, but not the way he once thought. He knew that the longer Hunter stayed here, the more he'd break. Hunter had movers over to help him move his stuff to Colorado, back to his hometown.

Sebastian was selling the apartment and moving back in with Joe for a while until he felt confident to get his own place. He wasn't planning to do that until next week, though. He felt a body flop down on the couch next to him. He turned to his side and saw Hunter, sitting there. "You keeping all of this stuff, Sebastian?" Hunter knew that now that they were done that there was no 'Bas', 'Bassy', or anything else. Only his friends and family got that privilege, and Hunter wasn't far from any of that, maybe someday, but certainly not now.

Sebastian kept his cool, before shaking his head. "No, I'm selling pretty much all of it, except the stuff that's mine. Why?" He asked, dragging his hand across the couch armrest, feeling a rush of electricity and a longing to run.

Hunter shrugged. "I was just wondering," He explained. "Listen, Sebastian, I'm sorry for this. I truly love you, but I understand that you and I weren't meant to be. I was just hoping..."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "What?" He demanded, inching closer.

Hunter sighed. "Just one last kiss, just one for the finality that we are parting on good terms." He ran his hand through his hair, pulling at it along the way.

Sebastian gave a tiny smile. "I guess so." He leaned in closely and crashed his lips onto Hunter's. It was a short kiss, nothing extravagant. Hunter kissed him back and then Sebastian whispered, "Goodbye, Hunter."

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