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Their relationship wasn't easy, between both Barry and Oliver being heroes and having day jobs, it was hard to schedule a time for them. Somehow they managed. It had been six months since everything had happened, and Oliver and Barry were happy. Barry had gotten a promotion to the head of forensics at work, and Oliver continued to be mayor and CEO of Queen Consolidated. Sebastian had been present during the Flash time when Barry needed him,  and he was constantly helping Oliver keep the relationship strong.

It was great. They sat in the room they shared at Queen Manor. Barry had sold the apartment and moved in with Joe until Oliver requested one night that Barry stays at his place. Barry just needed to be fast enough to get to work and Star Labs on time. They were doing well, and tonight was their six-month anniversary. Even the two cities knew that the Flash and Arrow were dating. Oliver had planned a small dinner for them and Barry had planned out treats and movies.

They were right in the middle of making out when their phones went off with a crime alert. Barry pulled away from the kiss and checked his phone. "Metahuman alert here in Starling. Felicity says that they need our help," Barry said.

Oliver sighed. "Right in the middle of making out. Man, these villains are bad at timing."

"Well, for interrupting you could shoot them in the back," Barry suggested.

Oliver chuckled and placed a kiss on the speedster's lips. "Very funny, Barry, but let's go. I want to make out more when we come home."

"Okay, Ollie." Barry flashed out of there and the next moment he was in his Flash suit. He tossed Oliver his bow and suit before leaving. "Keep up, slowpoke!"

Oliver shook his head because this was going to be fun.


Sneak peek of the sequel.

I'd go faster if you plan on catching King Shark, Barry, Sebastian said into Barry's mind.

Oh, why didn't I think of that? Barry replied sarcastically. Barry had been racing down to the docks, trying to find out what had been causing the flooding of the warehouses. Turned out that King Shark was in a bad mood, but sadly it was only Barry today. Oliver was busy with a super important press conference, so Barry had volunteered to go alone and have Wally, Cisco, and Frost on stand-by.

"Yo, ugly shark!" Barry called into the air. "Come fight me!"

A massive wave suddenly erupted from the harbor below and some powerful force thrust Barry against the doors of a warehouse. Sebastian took over at the moment when Barry got knocked out. "Oh, now you've just made me mad, Shark!" Sebastian started running off before creating a whirlpool.

"Nice job, Seb," Iris said into comms. They'd all learned the difference between Barry's and Sebastian's voices. Sebastian had some sort of underlying french accent. 

"Thank you, Iris." But Sebastian was starting to feel woozy, but before he could run back to Star Labs to have Caitlin check him out, he fell to the ground.

"Seb?! Sebastian!" Iris yelled when she got no response, she sent in Cisco and Wally.

She immediately called Oliver when Cisco and Wally had brought Sebastian back.

"Hey, Iris, I'm a little busy right-"

"It's Barry and Sebastian. Something happened," Iris interrupted.

Oliver was quiet for a second. "I'm on my way."


See the rest in Unhidden, on March 15.

Wow! The ending there, jeez. I'm so tired right now, but until I finish Chapter 5 and 6 of ECWAP I'm working through it. Don't worry though, I am sleeping.

Have a great two weeks!



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