3| You All Deserve an Explanation

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Sebastian sat with Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Trent, and the Warblers, as well as the rest of the New Directions!, in Jitters, drinking some coffee.

"So, you're back, obviously. What does that mean for Barry?" Blaine asked Sebastian.

All of the Warblers looked to Sebastian, interested to know. They'd grown quite fond of Barry and Sebastian.

Sebastian frowned, thinking. " I'm only here if Barry feels threatened, so that'll be occasionally." He finished his coffee, standing up. His or Barry's phone was beeping with a Metahuman Alert. "It was great to see you guys. How about we do dinner next week? Text me. I need to go do some things, and then I promised some friends an explanation." They wished him luck and assured him they would text him about dinner.

Sebastian walked out off Jitters, made sure he was far enough away to not get caught, and then flashed himself to Star Labs.

Hey, Barry? Barry? He said in his head.

What up, Sebastian? Barry echoed in his head.

Do you want to take over for this?

Sure. They switched back, and Barry sped into Star Labs. Everyone gasped; Oliver was already in uniform, so he tightened his grip on his bow. Barry studied his friends, they looked nervous and distasteful. Barry memories from yesterday, figuring out what happened.

Oh, this will be wonderful, Barry thought.

I'm sure it will be.


"Hold up. It's me, Barry. See? No blue streak. Sebastian has blue hairstreaks," He assured them. They looked slightly convinced. "Okay, I know Sebastian promised that I'd explain everything, but after, okay?" They nodded, and then he changed into his suit, ready for action. Oliver and he ran downtown. Well, he ran, and Oliver rode his motorcycle. The rest of the team was managing comms.

Cisco had been injured a week ago and was resting. Wally had run off to Earth-2 to find Jesse and Harry. Caitlin herself was trying to get used to Killer Frost still, so it was just the two of them fighting. Turned out Peek-a-Boo had escaped prison, so they sent her back. Then they noticed Trickster had escaped, so they went after him, too.

When they finally returned to Star Labs, Barry felt like punching a wall, but he felt a hand on his shoulder before he could. Without even looking, he knew it was Oliver.

Tell him, Sebastian urged.

"Barry... before you start punching walls and stuff, you kind of still owe us an explanation," Oliver said calmly, giving the speedster a small, relieving smile.

Barry was fighting with Sebastian in his head about taking Oliver out, or just telling Oliver his feelings in general.

Suddenly, Barry grabbed Oliver's hand and flipped the vigilante hero over his head. Oliver groaned in pain. He'd never seen that coming, mostly because Barry had never done something like this before. Sebastian must be influencing his thoughts was Oliver's first guess, and when Oliver looked up, Barry's eyes were glazed. He looked like he was thinking about something hard, which he was, he was fighting over control with Sebastian.

Come on, you already have a hard-luck case of gayface; I don't!

Yeah, well, I don't throw slushies on people and blackmail them to win a glee competition!

I was jealous, okay!? You, of all people, should understand that!

You became a bully the moment you couldn't have Blaine!

Hidden Away Until Now (Barry Allen is Sebastian Smythe)Where stories live. Discover now