16| Stealing is a Terrible Thing

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This chapter is dedicated to jazzywriter25 for being my number one fan and great support.

Jazzy, thank you for everything! Love to my followers!
Xoxo, CaptainR

Sebastian stood at a pair of crossroads. They were doing the heist tonight and Sebastian was unsure of how he felt. Reading about Barry two nights ago had stirred up memories and the constant thought: What would Barry do? This time, Sebastian was actually up for listening to Barry's plan, but Barry's voice hadn't made an appearance since the day they stopped the Trickster.

"Hey, my darling speedster," Hunter said, sitting down next to Sebastian on the couch. Sebastian had managed to clean their apartment that morning, and they'd both taken the day off of work. They needed to go over the plan one last time.

"Hey, Huntz," Sebastian said, smiling back. Hunter could see that something was wrong because not one part of that smile contained his snobby smirk.

Hunter took Sebastian's hand in his own. God, even Seb's hand felt clammy. "Alright, Sebastian, what's wrong with you?" Hunter asked, raising his eyebrows.

Sebastian immediately stopped smiling and became guarded. His eyes narrowed and the blue streak in his hair deepened in color. "What do you mean?" He snapped.

Hunter leaned back from Sebastian and held his hands up. "You've been off-center today. Is something wrong?"

Sebastian's gaze softened when he realized that Hunter just wanted to help. "It's nothing," he mumbled, scooting away.

Hunter wasn't convinced. "Clearly, it's not," he said, scooting closer. He had a sudden thought. "Is this about tonight?"

Sebastian sighed, knowing he'd just been caught. "I think so, I'm just unsure of what will happen with the team after this."

Hunter wrapped an arm around Seb sympathetically. "Well, we don't have to give the source to Eiling for a couple of days. I have a surprise planned for us," Hunter said, kissing him.

Sebastian nodded. "All right, then, let's go get ready."

He ran over to their bedroom to changed and Hunter trailed behind him.

Hopefully, this would work.

Oliver stepped into the Starchives to survey the area. It was mostly shelves containing boxes and Oliver wasn't concerned with their security. He was only with one room's security actually. There was a separate room for the time sphere, or what was left of it, and its energy source. It was one of Team Flash's most valuable things they'd created and it was very dangerous.

Honestly, the more Oliver saw into what Team Flash's actual day to day theme was, the more he wanted to take Barry home and lock him somewhere safe. Though he knew that Barry would never allow that, his heart was too big, especially for his friends. Sebastian couldn't take that away, so Barry was still there. Barry was still watching over them. Oliver and the team remembered how many times he'd saved them or put his problems on hold to help them, they owed him this.

Oliver touched his ears to the comms he'd made everyone wear. "Okay, guys, I'm going in to check on the security for the time sphere energy source. Anyone want to come, so I don't mess up?"

He could hear chuckling through the comms and immediately guessed that it was Cisco and Felicity. "I'll breach over there, Oliver. After all, I designed the security measures," Cisco said through the comms. Several moments later, a blue breach opened and out stepped Cisco. "How's it hanging, man?" He asked Oliver, who scowled. Cisco immediately backed off, messing with Oliver right now, in this state of emotional anger was not a good idea, especially since the man could totally judo-flip him.

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