18| Arrows Through My Heart

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Sebastian and Hunter had been fighting nonstop. Their constant bickering had annoyed the team and the CCPD over the edge. Anytime it looked like they were about to fight, Singh would tell them to handle it outside, as would Iris when they did it at Star Labs.

Sebastian was snappish all the time and the team could barely get a word in about anything. Hunter was worse, he practically ran from them.

For Oliver, this was terrible, he couldn't get in one word with Sebastian before getting a look, like I will hurt you, or a snappy insult. For him, it had become unbearable. So, he managed to convince the team that it was time to get some of Sebastian's blood to make the antidote. There was no other way, unless they were going to let Sebastian figure it out on his own, which was never going to happen.

Sebastian may have saved Iris from Hunter, but they couldn't trust him to make the right decisions, especially not when he was hysterical like this. He wouldn't have a clear head, well maybe for one decision, but Oliver wondered if Sebastian would even make that choice. Yes, as you may have guessed, Oliver was talking about Sebastian deciding to break up with Hunter.

Oliver knew in his heart that the blow may come to Sebastian with time, but certainly soon. Barry would be crushed, whereas Sebastian would probably be even more of a jerk.

But first, Oliver needed to get that blood sample, which would prove to be no easy task.


"Hey, Sebastian, do you want to come and train with me?" Oliver asked the speedster.

Sebastian had a look on his face that still contained anger, luckily, Hunter wasn't there at Star Labs right now to escalate the emotion.

Oliver had planned out the training perfectly. He'd set it up like the original, but had incorporated two extra crossbows with the help of Cisco. Cisco had agreed, on the condition that he got to sit in the Speed Lab while they did it. The rest of the team, minus Joe, Wally, Jesse, and Cecile, would watch from the cortex. Wally had gotten sidetracked on earth-2 with Jesse, stopping a meta, and had missed the fight. The two had elected to stay there for the time being, also because Harry insisted that Jesse stay safe.

Iris, Felicity, and Caitlin were definitely going to enjoy keeping this video of Sebastian for-ev-er. Sadly, Sebastian would probably make Barry hack into the footage and delete it, as well as making him hack the drive they were going to keep it on. So, yay, totally worth it.

Sebastian looked like he was about to throw out an insult, but suddenly his posture relaxed and he wasn't as tense. He even managed to form half a smirk. "I guess I could go for kicking your butt, Oliver."

"Not in that, you're not," Oliver said, motioning to Sebastian's outfit, designed by none other than Kurt Hummel.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Kurt wouldn't leave me alone to change for hours. He's known for ripping off his outfits." To prove his point, Sebastian found the seam where Kurt had told him and pulled. The entire outfit came off, just leaving Sebastian in a red workout shirt and pants.

Iris stared at him. "How do you not boil with all those layers?" She asked him.

Sebastian let out a laugh, a good hearty one. None of the team had heard that laugh in a long time. "Magic, Miss. West," He answered, a smirk growing.

Iris scoffed. "Really?"

Sebastian chuckled again. "Maybe I like being a mysterious person that none of you can comprehend. But in due time, friends, due time." He turned to Oliver. "Now, are we going to train, Oliver? Or sit here like birds?"

Oliver gave a small smile. "Let's see what you got," he said. Sebastian was gone before Oliver had even finished speaking. Oliver shook his head in disbelief and followed.

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