10| Memories, The Unexpected, and Fights.

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Of all people Oliver didn't want to hear what he'd just said, it had to be Sebastian. He'd planned on telling him, of course, but not this way; never this way.

The team all looked shocked, Sebastian however looked unfazed. "I was wondering when you were going to come out and say it," He said, the smirk in his face evident. "I had a feeling about tonight, so once Hunter was asleep, I sped over here."

Oliver felt his stomach do backflips. "What...How?" He asked, inhaling through his nose slowly.

Sebastian met his eyes. "Really, you don't know? I thought you all were geniuses. I noticed it right after I reappeared. Barry's been in love with you for years, but I nudged him in the direction of Hunter because I hadn't noticed the signs yet. But after we started dating, I noticed the way you were looking at Barry/me. Your face typically contained anger, but your face softened when you looked at us. I could, and still, notice how much jealousy you look at Hunter with. Is that why you fought with him? No? My idea of it is pretty spot on. Hunter found out you were here, he confronted you, the two of you started arguing, then it went full-on fight mood. Is that right?" Oliver could see every inch of the green and blue in Sebastian's eyes, very endearing.

Oliver was choked up. "How did you know that?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "First off, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. And second I'm a CSI; my job is piecing together what happens." Sebastian narrowed his eyes. "I still mean it though, you need to stay away from Hunter and me. Hunter doesn't feel comfortable with you here."

"What do you suggest then?" Iris asked.

Sebastian looked at each of them, the shivers going up their spines were horrible. "That Team Arrow returns to Star City, permanently."

The team's jaws dropped.


Ten minutes passed, ten immensely boring minutes for Sebastian. "I'll give you a day to think about it. I have a lover to attend to." He turned to leave but turned his head. "Oh, and one more thing, Barry's gone." He was gone by the time the team registered his words.

Silence fell on the room once again; Felicity was tapping at the keyboard, searching for a solution.

Finally, it was Iris that broke the silence, "Why would he say that?" She whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Oliver managed to look up from the ground. "Sebastian said that Barry was gone. Could that mean that Barry's been suppressed unwillingly? Most likely. Sebastian is a defense mechanism, he hasn't lived life since he was a teenager. He's never made the best choices and the worst part is that when I met Sebastian's eyes they looked glossy. A serum that was developed to suppress one side of a personality..." He turned to Cisco. "You all have done it, right? When Devoe blocked out Frost, right?"

"Yeah, but that was a mental block. It would take some serious science... I know who's made Sebastian like this!" Cisco jumped up and ran over to the monitors.

"Who?" Iris demanded.


"Who's Eiling?" Diggle asked, speaking for the first time in a couple of hours.

Caitlin looked up. "He used to work with the imposter Wells on Grodd. He's a general in the military, and I'm guessing Hunter's ex-boss," She explained.

"So, this Eiling has caused you trouble in the past?" Diggle asked.

Cisco jumped in, "Yes, he tried to steal Professor Stein and Ronnie's Firestorm power. Then he was controlled by Grodd later. He also was after a smoking hot metahuman."

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