20| I Need You To Know That I Love You

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Oliver didn't know why Sebastian was having a concert again, but he agreed to go with the team. Diggle had called and said nothing bad was happening yet in Star City, which was certainly a good sign. Oliver planned to head back to Starling in a few days with Felicity, unless something else wanted him to stay, though it was probably unlikely. He grabbed another arrow from his quiver and aimed it at the dummy he'd set up. 'Deep breaths, Ollie,' he whispered to himself. He took control of his breathing, moving the bow straight at the dummy's head. He wanted to do this in one shot, one fatal blow. He channeled all of his pain and emotions into that arrow, letting it go. The arrow flew quickly, and in the next moment, it was lodged right in between where the eyes would have been. Perfect, just like he wanted it.

"Well, I hope you plan on using that to fight bad guys, not us," Felicity said from behind him. Oliver heard her heels clicking as she walked over to stand by him. "You are sure about going to this concert, right?" She gripped her tablet, like, it was the only thing that could keep her safe, especially with Oliver in this kind of mood.

Oliver lowered his bow, setting his quiver down along the way. He gave her a look. "Yeah, I am. Why?" He didn't want a pep talk right now, he didn't want pity.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, be offended at Sebastian, or mad at Barry for not wanting to see you." She hugged her tablet tighter, backing away, ready if Oliver rounded on her. Barry had told Sebastian that he couldn't take form, or he just wasn't ready to face Oliver. Oliver had been patient, he knew that Barry had to be hurting. He'd just been suppressed for almost a year, and he just found out that Hunter and he had broken up, so that definitely would make him upset. Mostly because Barry had fallen in love with Hunter, and come back to a shattered relationship, and multiple problems.

Oliver placed his hand on Felicity's shoulder. "I know that you, Diggle, and the team are worried about me, but honestly? I have to try, in order to know if Barry and Sebastian really feel the way I do. I'll tell you something, Felicity. I'm not great at relationships, the longest one I ever had was with Laurel, and then I slept with Sara, which ended with me on Lian Yu. I realized after the island that I was gay when I was completely jealous of you for liking Barry." He spread his hands. "Clearly, I'm not good at jealousy either."

Felicity managed a laugh, and then she couldn't stop smiling. "Yeah, well, that seems kind like how Barry can't stop being late." She joked.

He sighed. "Too true," He agreed. "Too true."


Sebastian was rehearsing the numbers with the Warblers, and, well, he was actually yelling at them, about everything. They couldn't seem to do anything right.

"Jesus, Sebastian, calm down!" Blaine said from the chair he sat in next to the rest of the New Directions.

Sebastian rounded on him. "CALM DOWN?! We are performing this concert for the love of my life in five hours. So, if anything you all shouldn't be so calm, because if one thing isn't perfect, I will throw lightning at each one of you, regardless of Barry's opinion! That's a promise!" He snapped haughtily.

Kurt and Santana stood up from their spots, approaching the speedster."We get that, Fievel. Why do you think we agreed to help you? Love is hectic, so let this concert thing go," Santana said, placing her hand on his shoulder. "We're doing this together."

Kurt nodded in agreement. "We're also here to help you get over Hunter, as it has only been, like, two weeks. Are you sure you're ready for another relationship so soon?" He asked Sebastian, looking him up and down, studying his body language. "You're still healing, aren't you?"

Sebastian nodded, before turning to the Warblers and yelling, "WARBLERS! TAKE FIVE!" They stopped dancing and harmonizing, and they looked at Sebastian, shrugging with smiles, before walking off the stage to get water. Sebastian turned back to face Kurt. "Okay, Gay-face, listen up. Oliver is the love of my life, we've had almost as many trials as you and Gay Cyclops over there, and we haven't even dated yet. So, yes, I am ready for another relationship, because Oliver cares and isn't using me in one of his military problems, got it?"

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