15| This Is MY Chance To Save Him

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He hated to say it, no that's not true, Oliver loved telling people they were wrong, but it looked like Team Flash was totally screwed.

Cisco figured out that Hunter and Sebastian were going to steal something from the Starchives, and they knew it was something belonging to the Reverse-Flash. Oliver could tell that by the way,the team was acting, that they did not want to lose Barry.

Well, neither did Oliver. He thought back to the night before when Sebastian had said that Oliver only trusted him with the easy stuff. It hurt like hell. No, he'd been through hell and this was worse. They got a ping on Trickster, apparently, the jokester had decided to escape prison again!

"So, uh, Oliver, you handling this one, or should I call Sebastian?" Felicity said, twitching.

"Call Sebastian, tell him to meet me there," Oliver answered, moving to grab his bow, he luckily had his suit on already. "I think the Trickster has failed this city," He added, giving a small smile. He straightened up and ran out of the room to his motorcycle. Was Sebastian going to come and help?


Racing through the city in his suit, Sebastian felt powerful. He shook it off, now was not the time for this. He needed to help Oliver right now. Luckily, it was late afternoon and Hunter had said he was going to go talk to Eiling again, so Seb didn't have to worry about Hunter getting jealous.

His feet stopped in the place he'd told them to. He saw a green blur heading towards him, and immediately knew it was Oliver.

The blur was slowing down, so Sebastian decided to run around the area and check for the Trickster. When he made it back to the spot he'd been before, Oliver stood there as the Arrow, looking distressed.

Sebastian immediately felt all of his emotions grow cold. "You needed me, Ollie?" He spat the nickname with disgust, and Oliver flinched. "I thought you could handle anything on your own."

Oliver chose to ignore the insult and scanned the city. "Did you search the area?" He asked, playing with his bowstring.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Did I search the area? Yes, I did, and I didn't find the jokester," He said, tilting his head and glaring at Oliver.

"Gentlemen, how lovely to see you!" came a teasing voice. Oliver and Sebastian's heads snapped up. There stood the Trickster in all of his attire, looking straight up crazy.  "Decided for a little team-up, Flash? I thought you could handle everyone in this city?" The trickster's voice was sing-songy and driving into Sebastian's emotional block.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. "You'd better watch out, jokester, I'm not afraid to hurt you. If he-" He pointed at Oliver, "-stands in my way, I won't feel bad about taking him down either."

The Trickster smiled. "Trying a darker version of you, I see."

Sebastian started forward, but he felt a voice in his head.

Not a good idea, Bas, The voice said, but it said it weakly like it had been contained in the back of his head for a while. He shook it off, and realized Oliver had placed his hand on his shoulder. He glared at the Queen heir, who took his hand off of him.  Sebastian's gaze was still on the Trickster, and in seconds the jokester was in cuffs. "Well, I don't know why you needed my help, Arrow. This took me five seconds. Maybe next time you should think about the limitations of your abilities, and then call me for help?" Sebastian flashed away and then appeared back, this time with no Trickster.

Oliver came back with a retort, "It's your city, Flash," he growled.

Sebastian stepped forward towards him. "Do you really want to go there, vigilante? Do you really want to push me to the limits of what I can do, now that there is no Bartholomew Allen to stop me?" He said, quietly. Oliver paled under his hood. "I thought not. Now get back to Star Labs. I'm going to patrol for a while." He pushed Oliver away from him and watched the archer leave. He waited until Oliver was at least a block away before running.

Hidden Away Until Now (Barry Allen is Sebastian Smythe)Where stories live. Discover now