17| Should Have Known You Would Be Here

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He was not ready for this, and probably never would be. Oliver stood at the ready in Star Labs with Cisco and Caitlin, who was coming with him. Wally was meeting them there with Jesse, but first, they were looking for any of Sebastian's speed force signature.

A loud ping! came from the monitors and Cisco shouted, "I've got it! That warehouse by the docks, the one we were talking about? Sebastian just went there, so that has to be where Eiling is hiding."

Caitlin's eyes turned icy. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Frost asked. She wore her suit as did Cisco and Oliver, though Cisco did not have on his glasses.

Cisco quickly popped on his glasses and opened a breach. The rest of the team was staying in the Arrow cave to stay safe. Cisco shrugged. "Shouldn't keep an impatient lady waiting," he said to Oliver, who nodded.

"Well, then let's go," Oliver replied, nudging Frost forward. She gave a little smirk and then stepped through the breach. He then turned to Cisco. "Off you go, Cisco," He said.

Cisco smiled sadly and made his way through the breach. Oliver waited a moment before following, knowing that this was it.

This was, do or die. Pass or fail. He was either going to get Barry back or lose him forever.


Sebastian did not want to do this, not anymore. He wanted to just fall asleep in his own bed and never have to worry about anything again, not Barry, not Hunter or Oliver, not the team or his friends from Glee. He just wanted to be content with life, living like a normal person, saving people. But he had to, he was risking this for Barry, no one else. Barry was him and he was Barry, neither could live fully without each other.

Hunter's hand wrapping around his was what snapped him out of his thoughts. They stood at the door of the warehouse. Sebastian had his other hand wrapped around a smaller version of his safe, containing the time sphere's energy source. "You ready, my darling speedster?" Hunter asked.

Sebastian gave a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I am." He looked ahead at the warehouse. "Well, it's now or never." Both of his hands gripped tighter on what they were holding. He pulled gently on Hunter's hand, leading him into the warehouse.

They were going to do this together, no matter what happened.

The darkness of the room compared well to how Sebastian was feeling, and then the lights came on. It drummed worry into his heart about saving Barry. Hunter squeezed his hand tightly, which pulled him back from the worry. Just in time too, because Eiling walked in, tailed by two scientists, and a whole team of soldiers.

"Well, you've made your deadline, I see," Eiling said.

Sebastian laughed without humor. "Well, I wasn't going to pass all this up." He spread his hands, gesturing to the room.

"Mr. Smythe, still quick with the sarcasm and quips, aren't you?" Eiling asked.

Sebastian elbowed Hunter, reminding him that this was happening. Hunter cleared his throat. "That's enough, it's time we do what we came here to do," Hunter said, sternly.

Eiling eyed the smaller safe in Sebastian's hand. "I couldn't agree more," Eiling said, smiling. He held out his hand. "If you'd be so kind to give me that energy source, Mr. Smythe. I'd be happy to give you the antidote and you may have Mr. Allen back."

Sebastian held his hand, which contained the energy source, away from the group. "How about you give us the antidote first?" He snarled.

Hunter's hand tightened its grip. "Temper. Temper, Mr. Smythe. But sure," Eiling said and nodded to one of the scientists. They stepped forward and opened the case. Inside, was a glowing orange antidote, this was what was going to bring Barry back.

Hidden Away Until Now (Barry Allen is Sebastian Smythe)Where stories live. Discover now