4| Changes with Barry

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Barry agreed with Sebastian later on the fact that the date with Hunter went really well. Sebastian had just left S.T.A.R Labs when he raced home to get ready.

He was almost late for dinner with Hunter! Barry told Sebastian that maybe they could be split tonight. Splitting meant that both personalities flowed through, but they kept each other in check. Together with Sebastian, Barry chose a collared blue shirt, black pants, fancy shoes, and gelled his hair perfectly. Then they ran straight to the restaurant they'd suggested to Hunter. Luckily, they were only a minute late.

Hunter was at the table waiting for Barry. They ate dinner and laughed. Hunter told him stories about the army, and Barry told him of his life before Ohio and meeting Hunter. Barry told him of his love for Oliver but found that it never looked like it would be reciprocated. Hunter laughed and smiled at Barry's jokes. Everything that had made Hunter so attractive before had escalated since he joined the army, his physique especially.

Hunter looked at Barry with interest. He looked just like Sebastian had, except so much stronger. His confidence had fumbled a bit, but Hunter could help fix that by bringing Sebastian back even more. After dinner, Sebastian suggested to Barry that he and Hunter take a walk. And Barry decided to let Sebastian have control of that part. Then before you knew it, they were kissing right on the mouth, which is exactly where Oliver had seen them. Hunter dragged Sebastian/Barry back to Barry's apartment, and some very intense stuff happened. Afterward, Hunter asked Sebastian/Barry to be his boyfriend.

And Barry had said, "Hell yes!"


It had been three months since Oliver saw Barry kissing another man that he doesn't even know. Barry had been going on dates with Hunter every night, and none of the team could even talk to him about Hunter. Barry was so busy texting Hunter, working as the Flash, and as a CSI (And Hunter was there for that, too), that he wasn't even focusing on the others.

Oliver could barely even talk to him in the field when they patrolled.

Currently, Barry sat in the Cortex texting Hunter for the millionth time in a row, while everyone else sat working on a lead for a villain; Felicity and Diggle had gone back to Star City for the week, but they'd be back later that evening.

"Barry? You want to spar with me?" Oliver asked.

Barry looked up, sighing, setting his phone down. "Fine," He agreed reluctantly, and together they went down to the Speed Lab.

Barry stood in a fighting position on the mat, waiting for Oliver to come at him. When he did, Barry moved quickly (not using his powers, of course) behind Oliver, and sweep kicked him. Oliver placed strategic punches and kicks, but Barry flipped and parried them. At one point, Oliver caught Barry off guard, and then he was right on top of the speedster, but Barry's hair gained the streak of blue. That signaled to Oliver to let up a bit since Sebastian was way more aggressive.

"Oh, don't let up, Ollie! I enjoy being able to kick your ass, here and now," Sebastian smirked. He moved strongly and even faster so that Oliver was beneath him. "You give?"

Oliver sighed and nodded. Sebastian got up and flashed away to grab his phone.

Oliver rubbed his arm, where Sebastian had been on him. That would hurt in the morning. When Sebastian came back, Oliver tried to open some conversation between them. "So, Sebastian, I know that Joe and Eddie have met Hunter, but when can we? Iris hasn't met him, because whenever she's there, he's out on patrol, or up making out with you." Oliver approached Sebastian calmly.

"Uh, well, I'm going over to his new place here in Central, which is very classy from what he's told me. Also, I'm the head of a multibillionaire company, given to me by my uncle, and I was a model. So, yeah. Thought I should tell you that, you can relay it to the others. Anyway, I can ask him tonight. By the way, Blaine, Kurt, The Warblers, and the New Directions are coming back to town. They wanted to do a nice dinner and another concert. Anywho, Hunter needs me to go to a crime scene with him."

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