13| The Mystery Begins to Unravel

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Isiah heard the door open and close, he heard someone sit down and raised his head to look at the person. He was handsome. He had a smirk plastered on his face, his hair was gelled so that no strand was loose, his eyes seemed to change from green to blue to a mix of the two, he wore a very expensive suit, for some odd reason there was a streak of blue in the front of his head that looked like a lightning bolt in his brown hair.

The man smiled at Isiah like something hilarious was happening. "Who are you?" Isiah asked, twiddling his fingers.

The man wrapped his hand around the coffee cup he'd brought in with him. "Me? I'm no one, just the interrogator. I know who you are, Isiah Smith," He added. "I hear you killed your daughter, was she snotty, or was she not who you wanted her to be?"

"I didn't kill my daughter, nor did I steal my inheritance!"

Sebastian smirked, So his family is what ticks him off. He's trying to block me out.

"Well, if I was ugly like you and a shame to my family, I would have stolen my inheritance too. Why did you kill your daughter? Did she not want to date the man you chose for her?" Sebastian asked, looking quite bored.


"Oh, but you are. You killed your own daughter and stole the inheritance that they were going to give to you, but once you killed her they took you out of the will," Sebastian commented, sipping his coffee. It went on like this for a few minutes, Sebastian insulting Isiah and then Isiah denying everything.

Finally, Isiah broke. "My daughter was not snotty nor ugly! IF SHE HADN'T GOT IN THE WAY WHEN I WENT TO CHANGE THE WILL, I WOULDN'T HAVE KILLED HER!"

"Why did you need to change the will?" Sebastian asked, sipping his coffee.


Sebastian rose. "Thank you, Mr. Smith. That's all I needed to hear, have fun in jail." Two cops came in and grabbed Isiah by the arms.

Isiah was flabbergasted. "How did you...You tricked me!"

"No, I simply pushed you over the edge, so that I could extract the information I needed. You were no challenge." Sebastian nodded to the officers and the left. Hunter, Singh, Joe, and Eddie, stood shocked at his return. Well, not Hunter, he smiled. Singh snapped out of it first and motioned for Sebastian and Hunter to follow him.

Once they were alone, Singh gave Sebastian an impressed look. "That was one heck of an interrogation, kid."

Sebastian gave a smile, no smirk this was his boss. "Thank you, Captain." He set down his empty coffee cup on the table. "I probably should get back to work, thank you for the nice break." He wandered back to his lab to finish the report on Weather Wizard.

Hunter shrugged at the look Singh gave him.

Oh well.


Hearing footsteps up to his lab, Sebastian quickly moved the vials away. These were not Hunter's footsteps, whose heels clicked the surface twice before moving. There were two sets, one was Joe's, Sebastian had heard those steps from since Barry had started living with the West's. The other was probably Eddie's.

He looked up to see that he was right. Eddie and Joe stood in the middle of his lab. "Can I help you?" He asked, not looking up. Hunter walked in moments later.

Joe walked closer to Sebastian. "Barr..." He covered his mouth realizing what he had just said, but it was too late.

Sebastian had shot up from his chair. "That's not me! You very well know, Joe, that I am not the lovable Barry you raised. I am something from your worst nightmares, something you never had thought Barry could conjure!" Sebastian breathed slowly before sitting back down. " I'm sorry, it's just Barry's had a life for so long, and now that I have taken the reins back, I'm trying to adapt to my new environment." He paused and gripped the chair, feeling his eyes narrowing. "Barry had everything figured out and then poof, I'm alive again." He shook his head. "I'm the problem. I thought that maybe this time would be different..." He started to shake with rage.

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